1. John and Jill are married.
Are John and Jill married? -Джон и Джил женаты?
2. I’d like to go for a walk.
Did I like to go for a walk? - Мне нравилось гулять?
3. Victor is sometimes late for classes.
Is Victor sometimes late for classes.
4. Alice knows the language very well.
Does Alice knows the language very well?
5. The brothers watch TV every evening.
Do The brothers watch TV every evening?
6. Rachel has very many friends in Paris.
Has Rachel very many friends in Paris?
7. Her elder brother is a second-year student.
Is Her elder brother a second-year student?
8. Jane would like to spend a holiday abroad.
Would Jane like to spend a holiday abroad? - Хотела бы Джейн провести отпуск за границей?
9. Paul’s friends agree with him.
Do Paul’s friends agree with him? - Друзья Павла согласны с ним?
10. Irene’s husband has got an expensive car.
Has Irene’s husband got an expensive car?-У мужа Ирины дорогая машина?
Ex. III. ответьте утвердительно. Переведите вопросы и ответы.
Model: Do you know this story? - Yes, I do.
1. Would you like to see this new film?
Yes, I would.
2. Is your brother twenty?
Yes, he is.
3. Are you English?
Yes, I am,
4. Does your mother cook well?
Yes, she does.
5. Have you got any nieces?
Yes, I have.
6. Do your friends like playing tennis?
Yes,they do.
7. Is your grandfather a pensioner?
Yes, he is.
8. Does he have a room of his own?
Yes, he does.
9. Would you like to go to the park with me?
Yes, I would.
10. Are his books popular?
Yes, it is.
Ex. IV. ответьте отрицательно. Переведите вопросы и ответы.
Model: Does he know any foreign languages? - No, he doesn’t.
1. Are you a first-year student?
No, I am not.
2. Does she have any lessons on Saturday?
No, she doesn`t.
3. Is he at school?
No, he isn`t.
4. Would you like to be younger?
No, i wouldn`t.
5. Do your parents go in for sport?
No, they don`t.
6. Have you got any idea what to do?
No, I haven`t.
7. Is this coat expensive?
No, it isn`t.
8. Does your sister live with you?
No, she doesn`t.
9. Am I taller than her?
No, you aren`t.
10. Would they like to stay there?
No, they wouldn`t.
Apple - яблоко, Alphabet - алфавит, Armchair - кресло
Bubble - пузырь, Boy - мальчик, Bed - кровать
Cat - кот, Chair - стул, Children - дети
Dog - собака, Doll - кукла, Deer - олень
Egg - яйцо, Eagle - орёл, Elephant - слон
Family - семья, fridge - холодильник, France - Франция
Girl - девочка, goal - цель, Galaxy - галактика
Honey - мёд, honor - честь, hope - надежда
ice-cream - мороженое, ice - лёд, Italy - Италия
juice - сок, jungle - джунгли, jeep - джип
key - ключ, kitchen - кухня, kite - воздушный змей
Lion - лев, line- линия, light - свет
mother - мама, map - карта, mark - оценка
nest - гнездо, nut - орех, name - имя
ox - бык, oxygen - кислород, operator - оператор
present - подарок, parrot - попугай, pin - булавка
queen - королева, question - вопрос, quiet - тишина
rainbow - радуга, rain - дождь, rabbit - кролик
star - звезда, sister - сестра, sometimes - иногда
tiger - тигр, Taiga - Тайга, trainers - кроссовки
umbrella - зонтик, unicorn - единорог, uncle - дядя
vase - ваза, vegetable - овощ, violin - скрипка
whale - кит, wolf - волк, winter - зима
xylophone - ксилофон, X-rays - рентген, X-mas - Рождество
yellow - жёлтый, yacht - яхта, yak - як
zoo - зоопарк, zebra - зебра, zero - ноль