1)We do a lot of different actiVities during our PE lessons.
2)The situation was rather streessful for all the members of our group.
3) He said a few stimulative phrases and left the room.
4) They haVe already discussed the plan of the educational programme for students of our course.
5) The family was leading a restful life on the beach of the sea.
6) The excursion to the museum of nature was really exciting.
1. Does she speak 2 languages?
2. When did she start to sepsk 2 languages?
3. Who speaks 2 languages?
4. She speaks 2 languages or 3?
5. She speaks 2 languages, doesn't She?
1. Do children Like parties?
2. What do children Like?
3. Who Likes parties?
4. Do childrens Like parties or Apples?
5. Children Like parties, do not they?
Исходные предложения :
She speaks
Children usually like
С первого по пятый порядок предложений такой :
Общий, специальный, вопрос к подлежащему, альтернативный, разделительный.
1 They will go to the cinema on Sunday
2 Watch this film if you have time off (free time , без разницы)
3 Please phone him at 7 o'clock in the evening
4 What language will she speak?
5 I will read this book next week
6 We will meet with him tomorrow
7 Where will you go in summer?
8 I am sure you will understand everything if you listen to your teacher attentively
9 I won't see her if she return in July
10 They will be here in an hour it the train isn't late
Кроме обычных конструкций здесь есть еще 2 примечательные вещи: Предложения в повелительном наклонении и условные. Повелительное наклонение начинается с инфинитива ( то есть глагол, который дается в задании без окончаний или частички to) Например Иди к доске-Go to the blackboard
Подчиненные предложения времени и условия сложнее в образовании. Нужно найти главное и подчиненное предложение. Главное всегда употребляется во Future Simple, а подчиненное-в Present Simple. Например Мы покатаемся на лыжах, если погода будет хорошей. Мы покатаемся на лыжах (при каком условии?) если погода будет хорошей. Значит покатаемся-в будущем, будет хорошей- в настоящем. Получаем We will ski if the weather is fine
1)We do a lot of different activities during our PE lessons.
2)The situation was rather stressful for all the members of our group.
3)He said a few stimulating phrases and left the room.
4) They have already discussed the plan of the educational programme for students of our course.
5)The family was leading a restFUL life on the beach of the sea.
6) The excursion to the museum of nature was really exciting.