ответ:You and Alona takes the train to school His sister goes to the same school as me. My friends get dressed in the morning | do my homework after school. My cousin and I have music lessons together Paulo watches TV every evening. Complete the blog entry with the present simple affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. Posted 4 hours ago 3 Seoul. Every day, she A typical school day in South Korea Hi guys. I ¹ want to tell you about my cousin Eun-a. She's from South Korea and she 2 gone to a high school in 6.30 a.m., then she 4 at 7.30. Her school 5 lunch break, she 6 Vl (relaxed) and 7 (get up) at (taked) the bus to school (start) at 8.00. In her (watching) anime, but lots of students 8 home. She and her classmates the classroom floor, then they ¹1 dinner. Eun-a 12 13 1 A (sleeping) at their desks because they are very tired. Eun-a's school 9 (finished) at 4.30 p.m., but it isn't time to go 10 (clean) (his) (does) her homework and (study) at school together with her 14 classmates until 11 p.m. She and her friends (go) to bed after 1 a.m. every night! !
1. Кетчуп <<Домашнотовлений зі спіднх херсонських помідорів, перероблених у день збирання врожаю. Саме тому він має такий чудо природний смак та аромат. Кетчуп
«Чумак, не містить ГМО, барвникiв I консервантів. II. Кетчуп Лагідний» - найпопулярніший кетчуп серед українці. Він має ніжну томат-
ну основу з улюбленими спеціями (гвоздикою, корицею, мускатним горіхом, лавровим лис-
том) і м'яку густу текстуру. Кетчуп «Лагідний доош будь-який гарнір і м'ясо. А. Визначте стратегію й тактику мовленнєвої поведінки авторів рекламних текстів.
Б. Чиi стратегія й тактика, на вашу думку, більш успішні? Чие мовлення більш ефективне?
ответ:You and Alona takes the train to school
His sister goes to the same school as me.
My friends get dressed in the morning
| do my homework after school.
My cousin and I have music lessons together
Paulo watches TV every evening.
Complete the blog entry with the present simple affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. Posted 4 hours ago 3 Seoul. Every day, she A typical school day in South Korea Hi guys. I ¹ want to tell you about my cousin Eun-a. She's from South Korea and she 2 gone to a high school in 6.30 a.m., then she 4 at 7.30. Her school 5 lunch break, she 6 Vl (relaxed) and 7 (get up) at (taked) the bus to school (start) at 8.00. In her (watching) anime, but lots of students 8 home. She and her classmates the classroom floor, then they ¹1 dinner. Eun-a 12 13 1 A (sleeping) at their desks because they are very tired. Eun-a's school 9 (finished) at 4.30 p.m., but it isn't time to go 10 (clean) (his) (does) her homework and (study) at school together with her 14 classmates until 11 p.m. She and her friends (go) to bed after 1 a.m. every night! !