Presented the sixth generation of the famous American sports car Ford Mustang. In the appearance of the sixth generation Ford Mustang developers decided to get rid of the dominance of retroelements, giving the exterior a modern design with an abundance of aerodynamic stamps throughout the body. General technical specifications Ford Mustang GT 5.0 Body type: coupe Number of doors: 2 Number of seats: 4 Vehicle class: S Steering position: left Country of origin: USA Year of manufacture: 2014
Перевод: Представлено шестое поколение знаменитого американского спорткара Ford Mustang. Во внешнем облике шестого поколения Ford Mustang разработчики решили избавиться от засилья ретроэлементов, придав экстерьеру современный дизайн с обилием аэродинамичных штампов по всему кузову. Общие технические характеристики Ford Mustang GT 5.0 Тип кузова: купе Количество дверей: 2 Количество мест: 4 Класс автомобиля: S Положение руля: слева Страна производитель: США Год выпуска: 2014
The teacher said that the Earth moved around the sun. 2. The student said that two by two was four. 3. Socrates said that nothing could harm a good man. 4. The professor said that the Brooklyn bridge was the most famous bridge in New York. 5. The history teacher said that the War of independence had begun in 1775 and ended in 1783. 6. Nick added that The Civil War America had begun in 1861 and ended in 1865. 7. Kate thought that Alexander Pushkin was born in 1799. 8. Nelly mentioned that New York was not the American capital. 9. Tom said that It had never showed in Africa. 10. The officer added that the Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut had stepped on the Moon in 1969.