Каждый год миллионы туристов приезжают в Лондон, чтобы увидеть и послушать Биг-Бен. Но что такое Биг Бен?
Большинство людей думают, что Биг-Бен — это высокая башня с часами, возвышающаяся над зданием парламента. Ну нет! Биг-Бен — это не башня с часами. Это один из четырех огромных колоколов внутри башни. Его название происходит от комиссара работ сэра Бенджамина Холла или Бена. Высота башни 98 метров. Колокол внутри башни весит 14 тонн. Часы на башне тоже огромные. Каждый из четырех циферблатов имеет ширину 7 метров. Часовые стрелки имеют длину около 3 метров, а минутные – около 4 метров.
Возможно, однажды вы сможете поехать в Лондон и увидеть это удивительное
туристическая достопримечательность.
1) Где находится Биг-Бен?
В Лондоне.
2) Что это?
Это высокая башня с часами, возвышающаяся над зданием парламента.
3) Какой длины башня?
98 метров
4) Какова длина каждого циферблата?
Каждый из четырех циферблатов имеет ширину 7 метров.
1) It’s quarter past twelve - 12:15
It’s half past twelve - 12:30
It’s twelve o’clock - 12:00
2) It’s seven o’clock - 7:00
It’s half past six - 6:30
It’s eight o’clock - 8:00
3) It’s quarter past two - 2:15
It’s quarter to three - 2:45
It’s half past two - 2:30
4)It’s half past eleven - 11:30
It’s quarter past eleven - 11:15
It’s eleven o’clock - 11:00
5) It’s quarter past six - 6:15
It’s quarter to six - 5:45
It’s half past six - 6:30
6)It’s quarter to three - 2:45
Its’s three o’clock - 3:00
It’s quarter past three - 3:15
1. They were walking down the street when she suddenly remembered what she wanted to say.
2. Don't you remember I said we were going to be late for the meeting?
3. When I met her twenty minutes ago, her eyes were red. I realized that she was crying.
4. He has been trying to find his son for half an hour. I think the boy is hiding somewhere.
5. When she got home, she realized that she had forgotten about meeting with the dentist. She dialed the number for almost half an hour, but the line was busy.
6. Friends have been waiting for him for an hour, but he still hasn't come. If he doesn’t come in ten minutes, they’ll go to the disco without him.
7. We agreed when she invited us to go to the theater. She promised that the performance would be interesting.
8. I came home at seven. I had dinner and started watching TV. I had been watching it for half an hour when I remembered that I had not called my cousin.
9. We did not think that he would be involved in this work. He always tries to avoid any additional assignments.
10. As soon as I am free, I will call you. I have never taken part in such projects before, so I do not know when I will have free time.
11. Since we came here on vacation, it has snowed every day.
12. They came home at midnight because the party was over late. When they entered the apartment, they saw that everyone was already asleep.
13. Where does your aunt live? - She left for Kharkov five years ago and has been living there ever since.
14. The woman sat near the window and thought. She thought that her friend did not come to her before leaving for Kiev.
15. We didn’t expect them to arrive so quickly. We didn't have time to get the room ready before their arrival.
1) in London
2) IBig Ben is one of the four huge bells inside the tower.
3) The tower is 98 metres high. The bell inside the tower is 14 tons.
4)Each of the four clockfaces is 7 metres wide.