start with i’d like to say a few words about myself. my name is (свое имя) and i’m (сколько лет) years old. i study at the 9th grade of school and my hobby is drawing. i’m rather diligent and curious by nature. when i’m asked about the future, i have no doubt that it will be brighter and more interesting than today.
modern technologies are constantly developing, so new professions are appearing. in 15 years i hope to be working for a large company as a successful web designer. it has always been my dream job. after graduating from the school, i want to continue studying in this field. i also see myself travelling a lot. as it is becoming easier to travel from one country to another, i hope to visit many interesting places. several years ago we had to go to the travel agency and purchase a package tour. however, today anyone can buy a plane ticket and book a hotel online.
i think that in 15 years’ period we’ll have new types of vehicles, for example, self-driving cars and buses, flying taxis, high-speed trains, touristic bicycles, etc.
people will also find the new ways to save energy and other natural resources. i have recently read an article about eco-towns. i hope that such settlements will appear in every country and every region.
other than that, medical field should become more advanced in 15 years. perhaps, scientists and doctors will invent the effective cure for cancer. that will be a tangible step forward.
speaking about my life in 15 years, it won’t differ much from now. i’m not planning to get married or become a mother of two children so soon. i will study and work hard to improve my career skills.
What's it like in Japan?
I had always thought (раньше думал, до поездки, поэтому Past Perfect) that
Japanese people were quite reserved,
but they're really sociable. When we first
arrived, I joined a football club and I made lots of
American, English, and Japanese friends ( Past Simple потому что есть указание на ).
I have been learning the language for
three years now (действие началось в и длится до сих пор) and my Japanese friends
say I'm pretty good. But I don't like writing Japanese because I always get confused by the
characters. (тут речь о настоящем)
What do I miss most?
I miss the TV and my comics, though it is getting better all the time (ситуация меняется на момент речи, это длительное действие, Present Continuous). Soon I will able to buy my favourite American comic here. I also miss basketball, which was my favourite sport before we came to Japan. My mum misses her garden because we don't live in a house, but a fourth-floor apartment. (это тоже о настоящем, поэтому используется Present Simple)
Anyway, we will be back in Denver next year and I'm sure we all will miss so many things about Japan. (Future Simple для действий в будущем)
I know I'm only I 14 , but I've learned an awful
lot about myself from living abroad. I'm going
to feel very grown up compared to the other
kids when I get home.