My future profession
My future profession is a teacher. I want to become a teacher because a teacher is a person who teaches children. For me they are educated, smart and beautiful people. In order to become a teacher you need to study a lot. And also we must not forget about the diligence. Without effort and effort. nothing is impossible. And so I will try. I really want to become one, because this is my dream. And I will achieve my goal.
Моя будущая профессия
Моя будущая профессия это учитель.Я хочу стать учителем потому что учитель это человек что учить детей.Для меня они образованные,умные и красивые люди.Для того чтобы стать учителем нужно много учиться.А так же нельзя забывать про старание.Без стараний и усилий ничего невозможно.И поэтому я буду стараться.Я очень хочу им стать , ведь это моя мечта.И я добьюсь своего.
process engineer, electrician, locksmith, assembler, carpenter, seamstress, electric gas welder, car driver, bulldozer driver, plasterer-painter.
Accuracy, certainty of actions, high performing discipline, accuracy, responsibility, practical thinking, technical imagination are required. High demands are placed on vision, hearing, muscle sensitivity, attention, and the most diverse types of memory.
trainer, lawyer, psychologist, teacher, nurse, waiter, salesperson, manager, social worker, advertising agent, consultant.
Special training is required to work in a specific area of production, science, technology, art. Personal qualities are important: stable, good mood in the process of working with people; the need for communication, the ability to mentally put oneself in the place of another person, to quickly understand the intentions, thoughts, moods of people; the ability to understand human relationships, good memory; the ability to find a common language with different people, patience.
1 They charged us £8 for this concert programme!
2 I gave my nephew £50 in cash for his birthday.
3 You can borrow the money from me if you pay it back by next week.
4 People should avoid getting into too much debt these days.
5 She spends a lot of money on clothes!
Эти сочетания с предлогами надо запомнить:
to charge * for - брать (плату) за
in cash - наличными деньгами
to pay back - возвращать долг
to get into debt - влезать в долги
spend money on smth- тратить деньги на что-либо