Задание 1)
1. He is playing football.
2.Irina is wearing trousers.
3.It is raining.
4.We are cooking breakfast.
5.I am drinking coffee.
6.The sun is shining.
7.I am washind mt hair.
8.He is waiting for a bus.
9.Anna is crying.
10.Mariana is having a shower.
Задание 2)
1.Kate has been in bed for a long time.
2.She hasn't eaten anytning since this morning.
3.She hasn't seen her friends for a week.
4.She has stayed at home since Tuesday.
5.She has a red nose for three days.
6.She hasn't played basketball since last weekend.
7.She hasn't done any school work since Monday.
Задание 3)
1.Нам следует сделать пирог с) если мы купили достаточно яиц вчера.
2.Если дождь будет идти долго f) цветы вырастут быстро
3.Если я хорошо знаю Английский е) мне следует быть переводчиком
4.Мои дети не плакали бы если а) если он не кричал бы на них
5.Мне следует позвонить ему d) на твоём месте.
6.Она наденет это платье b) если она похудеет.
1 anchor F a device that adds support to a screw
2 nut A a piece of metal with a hole in the middle
5 clamp C a device that tightly presses things together
6 metric thread D a thread measured in millimeters
3 nail B a long, narrow fastener with a smooth rod
7 sheet metal screw G a fastener with threads along the entire rod
4 grade E the measurement of a bolt's strength