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9 A football match The infinitive of purpose 44 1 Match 1-10 with a-j. Write sentences. Use to. 1 Edward switched on the camcorder 2 Andy and Max went upstairs 3 Mum put on her best dress We use to + base form after an action to say why we did the action. She went upstairs to get her coat. Dad switched on the TV to watch the news. 4 Sue took the glass into the kitchen 5 Dad turned up the radio 6 They bought a new suitcase 7 People use a remote control 8 We saved all our money 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We went to the stadium to watch the match, 9 Theo went into Sidney's bedroom 10 Mum only watches TV 1 h 2 3 The infinitive of purpo How often...? and adverbs of tim Unit 9 a see the adverts b c d e f pay for the tickets take on holiday play a trick on him go to the party listen to the news change TV channels 9 h film his family i play a computer game j get some more water Edward switched on the camcorder to film his family


Andy and Max went upstairs to get their coats.

Mum put on her best dress to go to the party.

Sue took the glass into the kitchen to get some more water.

Dad turned up the radio to listen to the news.

They bought a new suitcase to take on holiday.

People use a remote control to change TV channels.

We saved all our money to pay for the tickets to watch the match.

Theo went into Sidney's bedroom to play a trick on him.

Mum only watches TV to see the adverts.

4,6(25 оценок)
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1) What did  Biologist and leading conservationist Roger  Payne discover about whales?

(Biologist and leading conservationist Roger  Payne is the man who discovered that whales sing and that their songs can be heard across entire oceans.

Биолог и ведущий защитник природы Роджер  Пэйн открыл, что киты  поют и что их песни слышны во всех океанах.)

2) Why did a young post-doctoral biologist named Roger Payne travel to Bermuda in 1967?

( In 1967, a young post-doctoral biologist named Roger Payne travelled to Bermuda to see the humpback whales that he had been told regularly  passed by the island.

В 1967 году молодой постдокторант - биолог по имени Роджер Пейн отправился на Бермуды, чтобы увидеть горбатых китов, которые, как ему сказали, регулярно проходили мимо острова.)

3) An expert in how bats and moths use sound to locate their prey, Payne had recently resolved to use his expertise in animal acoustics to help this species, [1 F] which was under threat from mankind, hadn’t  he?

(Эксперт в том, как летучие мыши и мотыльки используют звук, чтобы найти свою добычу, Пейн недавно решил использовать свой опыт в акустике животных, чтобы этому виду, который находился под угрозой со стороны человечества, не так ли?) Yes? He had.

4) Did Payne, together with fellow researcher Scott McVay, go on to confirm

not only that the sounds on Watlington's  microphones were from humpback whales, but that the sounds were in fact songs, [3 A] which they found could travel across entire  oceans?

Пейн вместе с коллегой-исследователем Скоттом Маквеем подтвердил не только то, что звуки в микрофонах Уотлингтона исходили от горбатых китов, но и то, что эти звуки на самом деле были песнями, которые могли путешествовать  через все океаны?  Yes, he did.

5)Whom did  Payne meet whilst in Bermuda?

Whilst in Bermuda, Payne met a man named Frank Watlington.

6)   What was Watlington using underwater in his job for the US Navy?

Watlington was using underwater  microphones in his job for the US Navy and told  Payne that every now and then his microphones  would pick up strange sounds.

7) What did they confirm with their work?

They confirmed  that not only the sounds on Watlington's  microphones

were from humpback whales, but that  the sounds were in fact songs, [3 A] which they found could travel across entire oceans.

8) Was their unique recording an instant hit with the public?  Yes, it really was.

9) Did their recording help lay the foundation for the launch of the

'Save the Whales' movement, which was instrumental in bringing about an end to commercial whaling.  (Yes, it was)

10) What has Payne  recently collect from sperm whales?  ( Какие образцы он недавно собрал у кашалотов?

(He has recently collected many tiny skin and blubber samples from sperm whales [6 G]  in order to examine them for pollutants.

Недавно Пейн собрал много крошечных образцов кожи и жира у кашалотов [6 г], чтобы проверить их на наличие загрязнения. Предварительные исследования показали, что в образцах присутствуют ужасающие уровни техногенных ядов и он надеется, что когда результаты будут обнародованы, это превратит всё в символ того, как человечество отравляет океаны.)

11) Were there many whales being killed all over the world at that time?

(Tens of  thousands of whales were being hunted and killed  every year by nations across the world [4 D] and many whale species were dangerously close to extinction.  На десятки тысяч китов ежегодно охотились и убивали их люди по всему миру, и многие виды китов были в опасности и близки к вымиранию.)

12) In 1986, the International Whaling Commission (IWC)  passed a moratorium on whaling, didn't it?

(Yes, it did.   In  1986, the International Whaling Commission (IWC)

passed a moratorium on whaling.  -Да, так оно и было. В 1986 году Международная китобойная комиссия (МКК) ввела мораторий на китобойный промысел.)

4,5(97 оценок)

)The road is not (wide enough/enough wide) for two cars.

2) Don’t hurry. There is (time enough/enough time) to do it.

3)М John is (old enough/enough old) to go to school.

4) The poor man doesn’t (eat enough/enough eat).

5) Have I made (coffee enough/enough coffee)?

6) Have we got (enough apples/apples enough) for everybody?

7) The days have become (long enough/enough long).

8) The text is (easy enough/enough easy) for the pupils to underst


1231)The road is not (wide enough/enough wide) for two cars.

2) Don’t hurry. There is (time enough/enough time) to do it.

3)М John is (old enough/enough old) to go to school.

4) The poor man doesn’t (eat enough/enough eat).

5) Have I made (coffee enough/enough coffee)?

6) Have we got (enough apples/apples enough) for everybody?

7) The days have become (long enough/enough long).

8) The text is (easy enough/enough easy) for the pupils to underst

4,4(7 оценок)
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