Не совсем понимаю как так возможно, но предполагаю что это предложения с иф 1) If I were you I would have learned in Garvard 2) If I had listened to your advice, I wouldn’t be a millionaire now 3) I would have been in New York, if they gifted me those tickets 4) I wouldn’t be so shy, if my classmates hadn’t bullied me 5) If you had taken the medicine, you would feel much better now. 6) If I had married him, I would live happy now. 7) If you were always near, I would not have got lost in the forest. 8) If you hadn't wasted your time on computer games you would not failed the exam then.
I have many friends and comrades in the school, in the courtyard, in the football section, which I do. For Marat And among them - the best friend. We live with him in the same yard and learn in the same class. However, we are not sitting with Marat at the same desk. Teacher seated us that we are not distracted by each other urokah.U my friend's dark hair, brown eyes. It is thin and a little shorter than me, but we had the same age. But while Marat strong, tough and does not complain about the sports formu.My friends with Marat for four years. Together, we play football and basketball. We go to the river bike and catch fish there. When my parents go on a picnic, we take with us, Marat, and vice versa. Another friend of mine came to me to play computer games and surf the Internet, because it is not internet at home proveden.Marat kind and cheerful boy, he was always cheerful and in good spirits. His jokes, he knows how to cheer up me and his other comrades. Marat good at telling jokes and funny istorii.Marat remains a good friend not only in games but also in trouble. Therefore, the composition of a true friend, I decided to write it for him, and not someone else. After all, this guy always helped me, and not only when I ask. Marat himself sees often that I myself can not cope with something. He then, without waiting for a request, in a hurry to help, or give useful advice.
Перевод: 1) Инженеры хотят дальнейших исследований, которые будут проводиться с новыми двигателями. 2) В настоящее время любой новый автомобиль должен соответствовать всем требованиям пассажиров. 3) Несколько десятилетий назад мир узнал рекорд скорости 330 км в час, были достигнуты с электровоза. 4) Мы знаем, железные дороги, чтобы использовать электрический подвижного состава на наиболее интенсивно используемых магистральных линий. 5) Это было решить, чтобы закончить интерьер автомобиля с пластиками.
ответ:1. I had finished my homework before I went to bed last night.
2. They had already eaten dinner when the guests arrived.
3. She had read the book before watching the movie adaptation.
4. We had visited Paris twice before we decided to move there.
5. He had already left for work when I woke up this morning.
6. By the time she arrived at the party, the cake had been eaten.
7. The concert had ended before we arrived at the venue.
8. They had known each other for years before they got married.