Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words.
adolescent concentrate describe different excite improve independent inform
1 She usually gets 50% or 60% in her exams but in this exam she got 90%. That's a big improvement.
2 Rön, can you give me a description of your sister? I don't know who she is in this photo.
3 Good food helps your concentration at school.
4 There's a lot of excitement about the famous actor's visit to the school.
5 There are two or three differences between the present simple and the present continuous.
6 She wants to be a secondary school teacher because she likes working with adolescents.
7 A dictionary gives you information about new words.
8 He's very independent - he doesn't need anybody to help him.
Саманидское государство (перс. امارت سامانیان; Amārat-i Sāmāniyān) — государство, существовавшее в Средней Азии в 875—999 годах. Правящей династией были Саманиды. Столица государства — Бухара. Правление Саманидов ознаменовало новый период в истории «Иранского культурного континента», известный под названием «иранское интермеццо»[7], длившийся с IX по XI века и характерной особенностью которого было приход к власти, после 200 летнего арабского господства, коренных ираноязычных династий и возрождение персидского языка и культуры
1.He was seen crosing the road.
2.The sculpture has been lost.
3.Is lunch included in the price?