Відповідь: Level I:
1) newspaper
2) published
3) issued
4) articles
5) news
6) inform
Level II:
1) were you talking, saw
2) phoned, was having
3) got, was sleeping
4) started, were getting ready
5) saw, was wearing
6) were cleaning, was washing
Level III:
1) A poem was learned by Alex.
2) The reports were handed in by the students at the end of the lesson.
3) A cat is fed by Maria.
4) A cat was bought by Julia.
5) A book was left by Steven.
6) Handball is played at this sports ground.
Level IV:
1) The Highlands in northern Scotland is a region of mountain ranges, deep valleys, and beautiful lakes.
2) Ben Nevis is the highest peak in Great Britain, which rises in the Highlands.
3) When we were in London, we stayed at Plaza Hotel. (no article)
4) Americans call the Mississippi River "the Father of Waters".
5) There are many cinemas, theatres, and shops in Piccadilly Circus. (no article)
6) The waters of the North Sea and the English Channel separate Great Britain from Europe.
The Big Issue is the name of a British newspaper started in 1991. It is sold on the street by homeless people, who are allowed to keep most of the money they make from selling it. It consists mainly of news of music, films, plays, etc. that are on in the area where it is published, as well as articles about homelessness and unemployment. The aim for homeless people is to earn money without begging, and to inform other people about their situation.
The Big Issue — это название британской газеты, основанной в 1991 году. Ее продают на улице бездомные, которым разрешено оставлять себе бОльшую часть денег, которые они зарабатывают на ее продаже. Она (газета) состоит в основном из новостей о музыке, фильмах, спектаклях и т. д., которые идут в местности, где она публикуется, а также из статей о бездомности и безработице. Цель издания газеты - позволить бездомным зарабатывать деньги не по , а также информировать других людей о ситуации с бездомными.