Решение #
1) The theatre was very different. The actors were only men and boys, the performances were in the middle of the day, the audience had to stay to watch the play.
(Театр был совсем другим. Актеры были только мужчины и мальчики, спектакли были в середине дня, зрители должны были стоять, чтобы посмотреть пьесу).
2) Because there were no artificial lightning.
(Потому что не было искусственного освещения)
3) It took 28 days.
(Это заняло 28 дней).
4) It was built on the southern bank of the Thames in 1598.
(Он был построен на южном берегу Темзы в 1598 году).
5) It was burnt in fire.
(Он был сожжен в пожаре).
6) Shakespeare spent his last years at Stanford.
(Шекспир провел последние годы в Стэнфорде).
7) He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets.
(Он написал 37 пьес и 154 сонета).
8) They are popular because they can teach us different things about life.
(Они популярны, потому что они могут научить нас различным вещам о жизни).
ответ:1)10 Great commanders from Kazakhstan 10. Kabanbay batyr Kabanbay Kozhagulovich, Karakerei Kabanbay, Daraboz - a hero, a talented commander. The name of the call to prayer is Erasyl. He died in 1692. He was born in 1770 in Barlyk mountain, Urjar district, East Kazakhstan region. died there. Kabanbay is from the Baizhigit branch of the Karakerei clan in Naiman. 2)At the age of seven his father Kozhakul and at the age of sixteen his brother Esenbai died at the hands of the Dzungars. A sixteen-year-old boy secretly went to the enemy, killed a Dzungar hero who killed his brother and took revenge. After that, Kerey from Zaisan went inside and was in the hands of his brother-in-law Berdaulet. Here he rode wild boars on horseback and became known as "Kaban Batyr". 3) In 1752, when the Volga Kalmyks tried to emigrate to China, they tried to forcibly evacuate the neighboring country of Karakalpakstan, but they managed to save the country.
Gertrude, who is my sister’s friend, doesn’t like travelling by train.
Andrew lives in London, where there are a lot of parks.
John lives in Moscow, which is the capital city of Russia.
We met a woman who knew my dad.
We stayed in a hotel that was 200 years old.
Julia, who had lost her passport, contacted the embassy.
This is the travel agency where you can book your holiday.
The man whose camera was stolen has gone to the police.