She paid £10 beneath the sofa. 2. James went to the police to report the incident. 3. He went into the swimming pool twice. 4. He told me the truth. 5. I didn't see the last episode of my favourite TV series yesterday. 6. She sent him a present by post. 7. Mary cried a lot when she heard the bad news. 8. Brian got the train to London. 9. She was happy when she got her jewels back. 10. Peter broke my mother's antique vase. It broke into thousands of pieces. 11. Laura met her mother as soon as she arrived in Paris. 12. He was talking when I walked into the room. 13. She tried to stop the thief, but he got away. 14. She filled the glass with orange juice. 15. Miss Marple solved many mysteries in St Mary Mead.
1) Damir offered to buy some food, didn't he?
Варианты перевода:
Дамир предложил купить немного еды, не так ли?
Дамир, ведь, предложил купить что-то поесть?
Дамир же предложил купить еды, правда?
Дамир же предложил, что он купит поесть, да?
Делается так:
"I am" "aren't i?" I am shorter than you, aren't i?
"I used to" "didn't I?" He used to be your best friend, didn't he?
Imperative "will you/won't you?" Write to me, will you?/won't you?!
"can you/could you?" can you?/could you?
"Let's" "shall we?" Let's go for a walk, shall we?
"Let me/him" "will you/won't you?" Let her come with us, will you/won't you?
"Don't" (negative imperative) "will you?" Don't forget to call me, will you?
"I have" (= possess) "haven't I?" He has a nice house, hasn't he?
"I have" (idiomatic) "don't i?" She had dinner, didn't she?
"There is/are" "isn't/aren't there?" There is room for me, isn't there?
"This/That is" "isn't it?" This is your pen, isn't it?