The symbol of Murmansk is a fish. The main industry of this city is fishing.
The symbol of Vladivistok is an Amur tiger.
The symbols of Ekaterinburg are a bear and a sable.
The symbol of Tomsk is a silver horse. Horses from this region are the best.
The symbols of Veliky Novgorod are two black bears. Besides that there are four fish that tell us about powerful water recourses of this city.
The symbol of Yaroslavl is a black bear with the battle axe.
The symbols of Yelnya are three fir−trees. The forests there are rich with these trees.
The symbol of Samara is a wild goat.
The symbols of Khabarovsk are a white−chested bear and an Amur tiger.
The symbol of Pskov is a leopard.
The symbol of Chelyabinsk is a camel.