Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen! Today I'd like to tell you about transport. To begin with I travel by bus and by car most often. But I use planes and trains least often because I'm afraid of flying by plane and there is no need to travel by train for me. Also some people take a taxi when their cars are broken or they have very little time to go somewhere. I don't like taxi as public transportation, because I don't feel safe there. There are a lot of different people there, I don't know them, so it's very dangerous. In conclusion, I suppose that planes, trains and buses are the most popular nowadays. That is all I wanted to tell you. Thank you for your time.
I think one of the favourite pastimes for my generation is watching music videos on YouTube. My favourite is the one by Ylvis called 'What does the fox say'. Do you want to watch it? Look, there's a fancy dress party and all the people are wearing animal costumes. They are dancing in the forest and making crazy animal sounds! It's amazing, although a bit old now! My sister prefers videos about shopping where people show the viewers what's in their shopping bags? Not my thing - she likes to make videos about clothes or cosmetics and then wear them in the videos, really.