Задайте 4 типа вопросов к последующим предложениям 1 they constructed two houses last year 2 she works in a bank общий вопрос альтернативный вопрос специальный вопрос разделительный вопрос
They constructed two houses last year, didn't they? Did they construct two houses last year? Who constructed two houses last year? When did they construct two houses? Did they construct two or three houses last year?
She works in a bank, doesn't she? Who works in a banks? Does he work in a bank or at school? Where does he work? Does he work in a bank?
Традиционный английский завтрак начинается с овсянки (все помнят знаменитое выражение «Овсянка, сэр!»), родиной которой принято считать Шотландию.
В самой Шотландии овсянку едят без всяких добавок. Английская овсянка подается с молоком или сливками, а также в нее могут добавлять сахар по вкусу.
Продолжают завтрак яичницей с беконом, в которую также можно добавлять грибы, жареные помидоры, сельдь или колбасу, тостами с джемом и чаем или кофе. Джем вообще отдельная составная часть утренней еды – без него немыслим традиционный английский завтрак. Единственное, его иногда заменяют мармеладом, который может быть представлен в разных состояниях – твердом, рассыпчатом или желеобразном.
Также английский завтрак изобилует большим количеством овощей и фруктов и фруктовыми соками. Утром также допустимы популярные во всем мире кукурузные хлопья или мюсли с молоком.
Computers are to facilitate office and research work they should not be placed at home. This statement is very controvercial. From one point of view it's absolutely right. People should work at their workplace and computers there are of great help. They can help people to find necessary material for tgheir research and what not. It's easy to type using the computer and to exchange information. But I think that computers must be at home too. Different ideas may come to people not only at their workplace but at home as well...and here we need a computer to help us. Of course if we use it only to play games, then we should not have it at home because it's a waste of time. So to sum it up I should say that if you use computer properly it doesn;t matter if it is at home or at work. And if you don't...well, then it's just your problem.
Did they construct two houses last year?
Who constructed two houses last year?
When did they construct two houses?
Did they construct two or three houses last year?
She works in a bank, doesn't she?
Who works in a banks?
Does he work in a bank or at school?
Where does he work?
Does he work in a bank?