Заполни пропуски глаголами can ,mast , mastnt! 1. you see the red light ? you stop . you go . 2. you see the yellow light ? you wait . 3. you see the light ? you go .
1) How is the weather? Today cool and humid. 2) What weather is pleasant to you? I love solar and windy weather. 3) In the fall weather usually rainy. 4) If tomorrow it will be warm, I shall put on new shoes. 5) If on Sunday will go a rain, we shall lead day of the house. 6) If will not be a rain, we shall play in football after lessons. 7) If will be 3-4 degrees above zero, all snow will thaw. 8) If at night the sky will be cloudy, we shall not see a star. 9) What weather now? There is a rain. 10) Weather in August always dry and hot.
On monday i will go to school. after school i do homework and then i play with my friends. i will go to bed early so as not to oversleep. on tuesday morning i'm going to run over a long distance to podderjivat your figure. after school i don't have any plans and only have to clean my room and all. on wednesday i'm not going to school going to the doctor to get checked out. after the hospital i think i'm healthy and turn in all missed lessons. on friday i'm going to grandma's and grandpa's to relax and catch fish, maybe the weather will be ter and not cold. so i will spend the next week
2) can, must
3) can, must