Однажды я пошла в парк со своими родителями. Когда мы пришли, первым делом я побежала смотреть, что тут есть. Лошади, горки, карусели, игровые площадки- все было тут. В дали виднелись не большые ларьки с мороженым и сладкой ватой. Я захотела покататься на лошади. Сказав об этом родителям, мы подошли к лошадям, и меня посадили на лошадь. Она была такая высокая. Сначала я боялась, но потом мне даже понравилось. Было здорово. Когда я покаталась, я побежала на карусели. Там были такие большие, красивые карусели, что я сразу же потеряла дар речи. Как же мне хотелось покататься на них. Родители подошли к кассе и купили билетик для меня. Я уселась поудобнее и мы поехали. Вот так я покаталась на многих каруселях и настал вечер. Родители сказали, что пора идти домой. Я так не хотела уходить, но пришлось, зато родители купили мне вкусное мороженое, и я уже не грустила. Приехав домой, я поблагодарила маму с папой за самый прекрасный день,проведенный с ними. Было очень весело и я никогда не забуду эту потрясающую прогулку с родителями.
I adore listening to music. My favorite music style is rock and something of the sort. I like it because it charges me with energy.
Sometimes I imagine my life as if I was a rock-star. It would be awesome. I'd travel all over the world and sing emotional songs. I'd have lots of fans from different countries. I would sing and play electric guitar.
But it’s not so easy to be a musician. If I were a rock-star, I’d need to sing a lot and listen to loud music during my concerts. It would be unhealthy and I’d often need to have a rest. I’d compose new songs and try new rock hues to hold on my fans.
At any rate, being a rock-star would be very exciting and adorable for me.
Honored Master of Sports of Russia, a senior lieutenant of the Russian army . Won many state awards, including the Order of Friendship , the Order of Merit , a medal "For merits before Fatherland » I degree medal " For Strengthening Combat Commonwealth" ( Ministry of Defense ) . Winner of prestigious nominations .Eugene started riding at the age of four . Boy was skating to strengthen weak health . His first coach was Tatiana Scala. He then went on to train under the guidance of Michael Makoveeva , which was seven years old won his first competition - Tournament " Crystal Skate ." When Eugene was 11 years old , the Sports Palace in Volgograd was closed. Forced to choose between to quit skating or separated from his family , he went to one in St. Petersburg to train a group of legendary Alexei Mishin , who has coached Olympic champion Alexei Urmanova 1994 and future Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin .Eugene encountered difficulties during the first year in St. Petersburg, is thousands of miles from his parents and sisters, living in a communal apartment , in conditions unsuitable for his young age. Eugene parents were forced to work overtime to support his son , and several times raised the question of his return home. But the will and the dream were stronger. Over time, Zhenya's mom moved in with him to St. Petersburg , and in moral and material support of coach Alexei Mishin , life began to improve , so that Eugene could concentrate on training . Plushenko has progressed rapidly in the international arena under the tutelage Mishin. In 1997, at age 14 he won the World Junior Championships in Seoul (South Korea). The following 1998 only 15 years of age he sensationally won the bronze medal at the World Championships in adults , causing a big hype around his name by judges and commentators all talking about a new "miracle boy ."