- i have a nice day today in the school, because on the first day we don't do enything but speak with our friends abound our holidays
- but i don't agree with you, though this is the first day but i wont to do any homework, i often haven't enough time to walk with my friends, i want summer holidays again
- ok? but how you spend your first day at school
- i meet a lot of friends and that is cool, teachers don't came to lessons so we play speak and cry on all lessons,
- so this day was cool? but than? it would be problem
Мы последовали длинному списку мужского направления. Мы проехали одну деревню ... ... а потом еще в течение двух мостов ... ... последние огромные за городом супермаркеты ... и вниз по извилистой дорожке. Наконец мы увидели наполовину скрытый сломанный знак. Мы подъехали к грязным следам, и нашли дядю-и-тетю Пат, они кормили животных. Вам удалось найти нас -сказал дядя Пэт. Только-только пробормотал папа. Все приветствовали друг друга, а затем вы так быстро, мама с папой говорили, что это их прощания. Я стоял и махал рукой, как их машина исчезла в грунтовой дороге. Предупреждаю, перевод не совсем точный, а приблезительный, ибо редко перевожу тексты и в этом не сильна :)
Dear Mom and Dad, Hello! How are you? Sorry, I haven't been in touch for so long. Unfortunately, my vacation to New York City is coming to an end. Well, I'm having a great time here. The weather is amazing and there is so much to do. I finally saw the The Statue of Liberty in real life. By the way, I have already bought jeans, T-shirt and shoes for myself. I found the large clothing store near my hotel and I think that you may want some new clothes too. So, write back if you want me to buy something. I have to go now. My friend Andrew invited me to the museum. Take care, Katherine.
- i have a nice day today in the school, because on the first day we don't do enything but speak with our friends abound our holidays
- but i don't agree with you, though this is the first day but i wont to do any homework, i often haven't enough time to walk with my friends, i want summer holidays again
- ok? but how you spend your first day at school
- i meet a lot of friends and that is cool, teachers don't came to lessons so we play speak and cry on all lessons,
- so this day was cool? but than? it would be problem