1. young people tend to unite in groups or organisations because they enjoy being together. 2. wearing the same clothes or uniforms, listening to the same music and sharing the same ideas makes membership of such youth organisations or cultures more attractive, gives young people a sense of belonging. 3. young people are very impressionable and it is not so difficult for adults to use their enthusiasm to their own ends. history knows a lot of such examples. 4. young people should be very careful about their choice of organisations as it is a great responsibility. 5. political organisations for young people should not exist at all because children are not experienced enough to foresee the results of their activities. 6. there are very few youth organisations in ukraine at the moment and they are mostly adult-led political organisations. 7. youth cultures or cults usually annoy adults and they have a good reason for that. 8. some youth cultures can be dangerous for their participants. b) give your point of view on youth organisations, movements or cults.
III. В скобках указаны дополнения. 1. When people agree with me I always feel that I must be wrong. (me) Когда люди соглашаются со мной я всегда чувствую, что я, должно быть, ошибся. 2. Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. (the weather, anything, it) Все говорят о погоде, но никто ничего не делает с ней. 3. I wish you good luck. (luck) Я желаю вам удачи.
IV. 1. I want him to do it. Я хочу, чтобы он сделал это. 2. The teacher was heard to be very experienced. Известно, что учитель очень опытен. 3. We heard someone knock at the door. Мы услышали, как кто-то постучал в дверь.