The Republic of Belarus is a small, beautiful country with the heroic past and interesting present. It is situated in Eastern Europe. The Republic borders on Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. It has an area of 207 square kilometers and a population of more than 10 .Two-Thirds of Belarus’ population live in cities. There are 97 cities in the Republic. Its capital is Minsk, with the population of about two million people. The largest cities in Belarus are Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, and Mogilev. Belarussian`s natural scenery is wide, lonely plains covered with hills, and many lakes and forests. The highest place in Belarus is the mount Dzerzhinskaya (345m) in Minsk region. There are nearly 3.000 rivers with the total length of over 51.000 kilometers in Belarus. The chief rivers are the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Zapadnaya Dvina, thePripyat. In the past they were great trade ways from Europe to Asia and India and many towns appeared on their banks. There are more than 10800 lakes in Belarus. Most of them are situated in the northern part of the republic. The largest lake is the Naroch(80 sq km) and the deepest one is the Dolgoye(54 metres). One third of the Republic’s territory is covered with forests. The largest of them are called pushehas. The most beautiful is the Byelovezhskaya.
My day. In the morning I get up, do exercise, run around the house to make my day good! After jogging I will collect a briefcase, I go to a stop to go by bus to school. I took a seat on the bus, but there was an elderly woman and I decided to give her a seat, she thanked me. I came to school, played games during the break, studied a math lesson, I was recognized to the board, I was afraid to go to the board, but we had a new topic and the teacher told me, so to speak, I was very lucky! All the lessons were over, I went to the bus stop again to go home. I came home to eat, sat down for literature lessons we were asked to study the poem it was easy I studied it quickly. He finished doing homework, lay down to rest, play games. Already at 20:00 it's time to go to bed and go to bed.
Мой день. Утром я встаю роблю зарядку, пробежку во круг дома, для того щоб мій день був хороший! После пробежки поїм соберу портфель, иду на остановку щоб поїхати на автобусі в школу. В автобусі я зайняв собі місце, но там була женщина похилого віку и я рішив їй уступити місце, вона мені подякувала . Приїхав я до школи, поиграв в игри на перерві, навчався урок математики мене визнали до дошки я боявся до дошки виходить, но у нас була нова тема и вчителька подсказувала мені, так скажем мені очень повезло! Закончились всі уроки , я пішов снову на остановку , щоб поїхати до дому. Приїхав я додому поїв, сів за уроки по літературі нам задали вивчити вірш він був легкий я його вивчив бистро. Закінчив робити уроки, ліг отдихать, играть в игри. Уже 20:00 пора ложиться телефон и лягать спатки.
He has just answer the phone.
I haven't seen her.
Tom has not evolved at all.
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