Both of them were surprised when they heard this, 2 Both of us were doing our best. 3 Both of them looked puzzled. 4 This is a good article. The information is it is both interesting and important for the book which I am working on. I am grateful to both of you that you got it for me.
Do you need a receipt? - Yes, I'd better take it. 2 I'm afraid I can't give this magazine/journal to you today, I need it myself. 3 Do you still need a phone? - No, thank you, you may use it. 4 You needn't come here. You can either call us or send us a note with your younger brother. 5 Shall I translate this sentence immediately. - No you needn't. You may think a little bit.
Don't worry about our son/ about this/ about his health. Don't bother call him/ remind him about this/ fill in the blank Does this noise/ radio/ TV trouble us?
1)ленивый - lazy;
2)доверять - to trust;
3)делиться,разделять - to share;
4)оживлённый,весёлый - cheerful, merry, hilarious;
5)любить - to love; be fond of; to like;
6)молчаливый - silent, taciturn;
7)робкий - timid, timorous, bashful;
8)вежливый - polite;
9)очаровательный - charming, lovely, enchanting, glamorous;
10)полагаться(на) - to rely on;
11)добрый,тихий - soft, kind, nice, good;
12)скучный - boring;
13)терпеливый - patient;
14)нетерпеливый - impatient, eager;
15)надежный - reliable, dependable;