Flu-infectious disease , caused by influenza virus. Presently know more 2000 variant flu. First virus of flu was found in 30 years 20th century.
First vaccination against the virus was conducted in 40 years and tested to millited.
Treatment: the patient is administered a large amount of vitamin C ,fever, as well as vitamins. During a flu patient needs rest,plenty of fluids, avoid smoking and drinking alkogol .
Simple flu is treated with antibiotics. Sophisticated stage influenza is not treated at home
I understand that it is necessary to study a lot to become a doctor. I also understand that this profession requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has — with his health.
My mother and my grandfather are doctors. My grandfather is working as a surgeon in a hospital. I have been several times at the hospital and spent some time watching him working.
His main task is to operate on the people. After each operation he takes care of patients until they are recovered.
He listens very attentively to what his patients tell him. He is always kind and attentive to his patients. They feel it and believe him, and it makes his work easier. I know that he wants to see all his patients able — bodied and I notice that he is happy when his patient is recovered.
My grandfather can also help if somebody catches a cold or has a fever. My grandfather told me a lot of true stories about doctors and their profession.
I love and respect my grandfather and want to become a doctor as well.