ответ: (Какой твой праздник номер один? Почему тебе он нравиться?) My number one holiday is a New Year. I like it because my whole family is getting together. (Мой праздник номер один это Новый Год. Я люблю его потому что вся моя семья собирается вместе.
(Как ты обычно отмечаешь Пасху?) I usually go with my family to the church. Then we sit down on one table and celebrate Easter. ( Я обычно иду в церковь со своей семьёй. Потом мы садимся за один стол и празднуем Пасху.)
(Что ты и твоя семья делали на праздник Пасхи?)
I woke up early and went to the church with my parents. It was sunny day and l saw many people with Easter Buns. Then we ate tasty buns at home and enjoyed that day. (Я проснулся(лась) рано и пошёл в церковь со своими родителями. Это был солнечный день и я видел много людей с пасхальными булочками. Потом мы ели пасхальные булочки дома и наслаждались тем днём)
1. He was offered (offer) a new job last week.
2. The bridge was blown off (blow off) yesterday.
3. This novel was written (write) by Hemingway.
4. Flies are caught (catch) by spiders.
5. All the trees was cutted (cut) down yesterday.
6. We were told (tell) to go home now.
7. Their purse was stolen (steal) in the disco last night.
8. Rain is held (hold) up by fog.
9. He was thrown (throw) out of the bar a week ago.
10. Pigs are used (use) to find truffles.
11. The old theatre was reopened (reopen) last Friday.
12. She was asked (ask) about the accident by the police yesterday.
13. A lot of food are thrown (throw) away every day.
14. Mice is caught (catch) by cats.
15. I am usually invited (invite) to her parties.
16. Policemen is often asked (ask) for the way.
17. They was teached (teach) French last term.
18. The lawn was cutted (cut) once a week.
19. The tickets were bought (buy) by her last week.
20. The shoes are cleaned (clean) every morning.
my father is a teacher.He was a pupil twently years ago.
i will be a doctor when i grow up. my sister will not be (won*t) at home tomorrow. she will be at school tomorrow.
Will you be at home tomorrow? Was your father at work yestaday.
my sister was ill last week .she is not ill now.
where were you yesterday? i was at the cinema .
when i come home tomorrow,all my family will be at home
Is your little sister in bed now?-yes,she is
Will you be at school tomorrow?-yes,i will
when my granny was young,she was an actress
my friend is in moscow now. he will be in st.peterburg tomorrow
where are your books now?-they are in my bag.
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