Health - the biggest value . If a person has all the right to health , he has the strength and inspiration for affairs , communication, creativity. When something hurts in the body , it is difficult to focus on school or work , do not even want to entertain. To be healthy , you need to maintain health . You do not need so much : eat right, to exercise , to spend much time outdoors as well as a positive attitude towards life. You need to carefully think about the state of health , the less time spent on hospitals would . We need to remember that health should be protected , because it even money can not buy .
Здоровье – самая большая ценность. Если у человека все в порядке со здоровьем, у него есть силы и вдохновение для дел, общения, творчества. Когда в организме что-то болит, сложно сосредоточиться на учебе или работе, не хочется даже развлекаться. Чтобы не болеть, нужно поддерживать здоровье. Для этого не так много нужно: правильно питаться, делать физические упражнения, много времени проводить на свежем воздухе, а также позитивно относиться к жизни. Нужно внимательней относились к своему самочувствию, то меньше времени тратили бы на больницы. Нужно помнить о том, что здоровье нужно беречь, ведь его даже за деньги не купишь.
Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding.
In happy families parents are frank and honest with their children, they treat their children with respect without moralizing or bossing them all the time and children in their turn learn how to treat other people, how to form relationship among their equals.
In a friendly family people are gentle, respectful and loving.
They always share joys and sorrows as well as domestic chores.
I enjoy the honest and open relationship in my family.
I like it when parents trust their children, give them freedom, rely on them and respect them. These things in my opinion make family relations warm and pleasant.
I can always bring my friends home and my parents are very positive about my friends although they don’t always approve of our tastes, views and clothes.