The sky was covered with dark clouds.
небо было покрыто темными тучами.
at this time, her image appeared opposite the window.
в это время её образ появлялся напротив окна.
Pushkin stood opposite Dantes,when they were shooting.
Пушкин стоял напротив Дантеса,когда они стрелялись.
The man was too weak to give evidence to a police officer.
Мужчина был слишком слаб,чтобы давать показания полицейским.
He liked to play the harp because it sounds deep and slow
Он любил играть на арфе, потому что она звучит глубоко и медленно
Black daffodils bloomed in the magic garden.
Черные нарциссы расцвели в волшебном саду.
p.s ну на самом деле чётных Нарциссов не бывает в природе ,насколько я знаю .но это некий магический образ цветка.
можете заменить словом Dark purple-темно-фиолетовый
Robert didn’t answer the phone when Mary called. He ___ a shower and ___ the phone.
1. took, didn’t hear
2. was taking, wasn’t hearing
3. took, was,’t hearing
4. was taking, didn’t hear
I had to have a cup of tea for breakfast because I ___ of coffee. (run out – don’t have any more, be finished)
1. ran out
2. was running out
3. had run out
4. had been running out
Suddenly they heard a strange noise and ___ at each other in horror.
1. looked
2. were looking
3. had been looking
4. had looked
I see a happy family reunion in this picture. Every person in the room is smiling. They are eating pie and drinking tee. Carry and her great-grandmother look the most joyful among them. The girl looks with delight at her great-grandmother.
She looks elegant and at the same time adorable in her velvet dress with a rose pin. Carry’s hair is made into a ponytail. The elder lady sits in a wheelchair. She looks elegant and graceful. Carry reveres her great-grandmother as a style icon.