To the old козацкому Colonel Tarasu to the Bulba come after the release of the Kiev Academy of two of his sons, Ostap and Andriy. Two stalwart young man, healthy and strong individuals which had never been shaver, confused meeting with the father, подшучивающим over their clothes recent seminarians. Senior Ostap, does not withstand ridicule father: «Though you are my father, and as you're laughing, then, by golly, поколочу!» And the father and the son, instead of the welcome after a long absence, very serious тузят each other pocket. Pale, thin, and a good mother tries to reason with a violent husband who he stopped, satisfied that he had experienced a son. Bulba wants the same way «welcome» and younger, but that already embraces, protecting from a father, a mother.
On the occasion of his sons Taras Bulba convene all captains of hundreds and the whole regiment rank and announces his decision to send Ostap and Andria on Jan, because there is no better science for young Kozak, as the Zaporozhian Sich. At the sight of a young force sons flashes soldier spirit and the Taras, and he decided to go with them to provide them with all his old comrades. The poor mother all night sits above the sleeping children, awake, wishing that night lasted as long as possible. Her lovely sons take it; take for what she did not see them ever! In the morning, after the benediction, desperate from a distraught mother barely separated from their children and carried away in a hut.
Driver :So, What are you doing (do) here in Chicago, mister? Man:I__am_ (visiting) some clients. Driver : Where are you from? You ___ (do not mind) asking, do you? MAN; Not at all. From Inchon, in Korea. DRIVER: Good place to be! Me, I'm from Idaho. How long (are you staying) here? MAN :Three days. I ___ (am going) home on Saturday. DRIVER: OK. Hey,__would you_ (like) steak? __Do you__ (know) where the best steak in all of America (comes) from? That's right - Idaho! Policeman: What __are you__(doing) here? Josh:Nothing. Why? Policeman: We ask the questions here. JosH: We __are_ (waiting) for someone. Policeman: Where __do__(live)? Josh:151 Churchill Road. Policeman: What are your names? Josh: I'm Josh and he's my brother, Wayne. We _are__ ( not doing) anything illegal, are we? Policeman:__Do you__(carry) any form of identification? Можно также are you carrying, но это - американская речь Josh: Yes. I (have) my driving licence. __Do you__(want) to see it? Here! Policeman:It (says) Dean Allen on this licence. Josh: Does it? Oh yes, it's my dad's.
Мальчики предпочитают играть на улице в большие группы. Обычно есть лидер, который говорит другим, что делать и как это делать. Он не любит делать то, что другие мальчики предлагаю. Лидер любит давать слишком заказам. Еще один ребята становятся лидерами в группах, рассказывая истории и шутки. Игры для мальчиков есть победители и проигравшие, а правила любой игры и активности, о которых они обычно спорят. Наконец, парни любят говорить о своих навыках, любит и вещи, и спорить, кто лучше в чем. Девочки, с другой стороны, играть в небольших группах или парах. Центром социальной жизни девушки-это ее лучший друг. В свои самые любимые игры, такие как классики и скакалка каждый получает свою очередь. Многие из их деятельность не имеет победителей или проигравших. Хотя некоторые девушки, конечно, более квалифицированные, чем другие, они не хвастаются или показывают тхет они думают, что они лучше, чем другие. Девушки, как правило, не отдают приказы, они выражают свои предпочтения в предложения, а предложения часто принимается
On the occasion of his sons Taras Bulba convene all captains of hundreds and the whole regiment rank and announces his decision to send Ostap and Andria on Jan, because there is no better science for young Kozak, as the Zaporozhian Sich. At the sight of a young force sons flashes soldier spirit and the Taras, and he decided to go with them to provide them with all his old comrades. The poor mother all night sits above the sleeping children, awake, wishing that night lasted as long as possible. Her lovely sons take it; take for what she did not see them ever! In the morning, after the benediction, desperate from a distraught mother barely separated from their children and carried away in a hut.