Задание 3:
1. We don't produce different products.
Do you produce different products ?
What kind of products you produce ?
Are you responsible for producing products ?
Who is producing different products ?
Don't you produce different products ?
2. Your business proposal isn't very interesting.
Is your business proposal very interesting ?
Can your business proposal be very interesting ?
Will your business proposal be very interesting ?
Do you think your business proposal is very interesting ?
Are you making your business proposal very interesting ?
1. A cold wind blows from the sea.
2. I will go to my hotel by bus. As soon as I fill in I will see a friend of mine from Ukraine.
3. We study English at school.
4. When he was a sales representative, he worked twelve hours a day.
5. I was very busy all this week.
Задание 5:
1. Our catalogues are being printed by us this week by Friday.
2. The compressors for those machines here are made by us.
Задание 6:
1. He asked if the container will be ready for dispatch by 18th November.
2. He said that he is very busy.
Условные предложения первого типа (First Conditional) – простейший тип условных предложений в английском языке. Такое предложение также называют «реальным» условным – оно показывает действие, которое случится в будущем, если выполнить условие.
If your daughter studies hard, she will pass the exam. – Если ваша дочь будет усердно учиться, она сдаст экзамен (успешно).Как образуется First Conditional
First Conditional (первое условное наклонение) используется тогда, когда мы говорим о своих планах на настоящее или ближайшее будущее и выполнение этих планов реально.При построении условных предложений в русском языке мы обе его части ставим в будущем времени. В английском языке после if (условная часть) мы употребляем Present Simple (настоящее время), а во второй части предложения (результат) – will + глагол в инфинитиве.
If + Present Simple will + verbПример:
If I have time, I will watch TV. – Если у меня будет время, я посмотрю телевизор.Части предложения можно менять местами, например:
I will watch TV, If I have time.
2. He said that a minute later he had heard Partridge enter the dining-room from the hall and had heard her voice.
3. She told him that she didn’t know why thinking about the writer’s feelings we had missed the most obvious one.
4. She asked if Mr. Burton was there.