Komodo National Park in Indonesia is extremely beautiful. Its protected land and sea area total over 1,800 km2.
This beautiful park is 1/3 land and 2/3 sea with numerous volcanic islands. Visitors can also enjoy its sandy beaches, rolling hills and majestic mountains. The sea is perfect for snorkelling as people enjoy its clear blue water and coral reefs.
The park is home to many amazing animals and plants. It is actually named after a famous lizard: the Komodo dragon. Don't get too close, this 3-metre lizard is dangerous. Many people join tour groups where experienced guides keep them safe while showing them everything the islands have to offer from deer to water buffalo. Some tourists take boat tours to see the sea turtles, whales, and dolphins.
The plant life on the park is also worth seeing. Fruit trees offer coconuts and mangoes, while colourful flowers like orchids offer a great picture opportunity.
Komodo National Park is the perfect location to see all that nature has to offer. Keep that in mind the next time you book a holiday.
говорящее . выберите одну из карточек и составьте индивидуальный разговор. используйте предметный словарь во время разговора на заданную тему. у вас есть 1 минута на подготовку и 1-2 минуты на карту i. поговорите на тему «наш район». следующие вопросы вам организовать беседу: i) вам нравится жить по соседству? 2) каковы преимущества и недостатки вашего района? 3) что бы вы изменили в своем районе? 4) какие виды услуг популярны рядом с вами? 5) как далеко вы от центра города?
я живу в городе актобе,мой район ответь дальше га вопросы
2)in front of the home lawn
3)yes my family watching television in the living room
4)December can still survive but January and February is the coldest month
5) rains not frequent.
6)I prefer horses because figure skating has beautiful and cool tricks
7)I sometimes argue with them because they do not understand me
8)my grandmother prepares the best meat pies especially and grandfather repairing cars. he is in a professional
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