1) The Palio can see crowds upwards of 40,000, so it gets busy. Standing in the Piazza del Campo is free as are other areas around the periphery of the track.
2) The Palio was first held in 1482 as a civic celebration. The current course was formally established in 1659 and has been held semiannually on July 2 and on August 16 since 1701, except during wartimes. Lasting about a minute, the race consists of three turns around the Piazza del Campo, the main city square.
3) The Palio di Siena (Italian pronunciation known locally simply as Il Palio) is a horse race that is held twice each year, on 2 July and 16 August, in Siena, Italy. Ten horses and riders, bareback and dressed in the appropriate colours, represent ten of the seventeen contrade, or city wards.
1). Where can we see this kind of promotion?
This type of promotion, we can see in supermarkets, on the street, in the shopping and entertainment center and in other public places.
2). Which of these promotions might attract you? Why?
I would be attracted to such an action as: reducing the price of potatoes. Because potatoes are necessary in every home, and if the price of potatoes is reduced, it will be very good for disadvantaged families.
3). Which ones would you ignore? Why?
I would ignore such a promotion as: free demonstration of something. Because, from a free demonstration of something, there will be almost no use. Of course, you can learn a lot with a free demo, but it will not bring any benefit to a dysfunctional family.
Как понять нога? Leg-legs or foot-feet
Man-people or man-men
Fish- fishes