Should people sue big companies or should they take more responsibility for themselves? why / why not? think of a story to illustrate your point of view. write 8-12 sentences. нужно написать по этому вопросу сочинение
Оно так переводится:Люди должны Сью крупных компаний или они должны взять на себя больше ответственности на себя? Почему / Почему нет? Придумать историю, чтобы проиллюстрировать свою точку зрения. Написать 8-12 предложений.
In my opinion people need to take more responsibility for their actions, otherwise we are running the risk of becoming a highly litigious nation. This in terms will widen the gap between the big companies and people, which will push insurance premiums sky high and will burden the Court system with systematic abuse of Law. As a clear example of the "out of control" litigation we can study the case where an Israeli woman sued the TV station for allegedly broadcasting a false weather report...
Динамика численности - это изменения в численности населения за определенный период. если брать период 19 -20 веков, то медленными темпами росло население европы, с америки, австралии, а быстрыми темпами увеличивалось население южной америки, африки (особенно), азии. чтобы рассчитать, нужны конкретные стартовые цифры. могу предложить формулу для расчета. весь мир - 7 млрд. - это 100%. численность населения с.америки - 528,7 мил. - х%. составляем пропорцию х = 528.7 млн. х 100/ 7 млрд. = доля нселения . америки. и так каждый регион. объяснение: быстрыми темпами растет население в африке, ю.америке и азии. т.к. это беднейшие регионы мира, где население в основной своей массе занято в с\х на обработке почвы, а это ручной труд и особенно дешевая рабочая сила - дети. поэтому рождаемость у них большая. + в этих регионах религия запрещает/не рекомендует планирование или прерывание беременности.в европе. с. америке,австралии население растет медленно, т.к. там рождаемость маленькая (зачем иметь много детей. ведь их надо: кормить, учить, содержать). проще иметь семью без детей или, в крайнем случае, с одним ребенком. да и вообще, богатые люди предпочитают сразу получить образование, сделать карьеру и только потом заводить ребенка а это уже к 30 . как следствие. организм уже либо не хочет, либо может, но только 1-2 детей
"Heroes are not born, they become." Be the hero - is to become those who will notice and learn to respect other people. The hero can be anyone, because our daily life presents us with many situations. Everyone has a chance to show themselves, but not everyone uses this chance. Therefore, the characters are not so much as we would like. The hero of our time, what is it? To whom in our time should be equal? In my opinion, the "hero of our time" - is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He is truly a great man. He is a man of words and deeds. He does not speak empty and superfluous words. His performances wants to listen. Sometimes it seems that he is the captain of the grand ship, which is leading the country into a great, bright future. Not to recall the phrase of Norman Stone, British historian of Bilkent University "V. Putin managed to pull out Russia from the historical trend, which in its continuation could lead to the disintegration of Russia as a state. " Not without reason in the list of Time «100 most influential people in the world," Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is ranked 2nd. In my opinion, Putin should only be in the first place. He competently and adequately presents itself in the political arena, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Not afraid to defend the country's interests. He is not afraid to defend the rights of citizens of the Russian state. Once abroad, the citizen can count on the support of his country in the face of Putin. This happened with pilots to make an emergency landing in Tajikistan. He has not left the people without support, when in 2010 they lost their homes in a fire. The government led by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has supported people in such a difficult time, it has provided them with material assistance, it helped build a new home. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and the party "United Russia" applied great efforts for the development of new technologies. Under their leadership, there is the construction of institutes, universities, hospitals, which, in turn, is equipped with the latest equipment, and, in my opinion, in the future they will not yield to EU and may even be superior to them.