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Іть перекласти питальні речення на ійську мову дуже потрібно (перекладачем не користуватися) 1ти любишь ходить в кино? 2 ты вчера ходил в кино? 3 твой друг катается на лыжах зимой? 4 твой друг вчера катался на лыжах? 5 твой друг родителям по хозяйству? 6 твой друг вчера родителям по хозяйству? 7 твои родители ходят по воскресеньям в театр? 8 твои родители ходили в театр вчера? 1ти был в школе? 2 твой друг сейчас дома? 3 он был вчера на уроке языка? 4 твоя мама сейчас на работе? 5 она была дома вчера вечером? 6 твои родители сейчас в театре? 7 они были в театре вчера?

1. Do you like going to the cinema?
2. Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
3. Does  your friend skiing in winter?
4.Did your friend skiing yesterday?
5. Does your friend help parents with the household?
6.  Did  your friend help parents with the household yesterday?
7. Do your parents go to the theatre on Sundays?
8. Did your parents go to the theatre yesterday?

1.Have you been in school?
2.  Is your friend at home now?
3. Did he be at the English lesson yesterday?
4. Is your mom at work right now?
5. Did she be at home last night?
6. Are your parents in the theater now? 
7. Did they be in the theater yesterday?
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We had a great time in Madrid.Мы отлично провели время в Мадриде.Sally wrote a letter to Jim.Салли написала Джиму письмо.I sent my regards to her parents.Я передала привет ее родителям.She never wore sunglasses.Она никогда не надевала солнечные очки.Dan found somebody else's watch.Дэн нашел чьи-то наручные часы.We went to the city centre.Мы направились в центр города.His grandparents became older.Его дедушка с бабушкой постарели.The teacher began the lesson five minutes earlier.Учитель начал урок на пять минут раньше.The neighbours' dog bit me.Собака соседей меня укусила.Somebody broke their window.Кто-то разбил их окно.Nina got the job of a waitress easily.Нина с легкостью получила работу официантки.I grew up in the land of high mountains.Я вырос в стране высоких гор.They overcame the difficulties.Они справились со сложностями.He could rely on them.Он мог положиться на них.Lena paid the monthly rent.Лена заплатила за месяц аренды.He rewrote the poem to make it rhyme.Он переписал стих так, чтобы была рифма.He shook his opponent's hand.Он руку своему оппоненту.I woke up almost at midday.Я проснулся почти в полдень.Our football team won the match.Наша футбольная команда выиграла матч.My friend read this book a month ago.Мой друг прочел эту книгу месяц назад.Mike drove his car too fast.Майк очень быстро вел машину.She gave me a good advice.она дала мне хороший совет.You could learn this poem by heart, couldn't you?Ты бы мог выучить этот стих наизусть, не так ли?I thought he was my friend.Я думал, что он мой друг.Everyone sat down and became quiet.Все сели и замолчали.Sorry, I forgot your name.Извините, но я не помню Вашего имени.I took an umbrella and went out.Я взяла зонт и вышла на улицу.Life taught me a good lesson.Жизнь преподала мне хороший урок.They understood the task.Они поняли задание.They didn't understand the task.Они не поняли задание.Did they understand the task?Поняли ли они задание?This bridge was rebuilt last year.Этот мост был перестроен в году.The dam was swept away by strong flood.Плотину снесло сильным наводнением.She was misunderstood.Ее не так поняли.He was outrun by another contestant.Его обогнал другой участник.You were left there alone, weren't you?Тебя оставили там одну, не так ли?The exact risk is not known.Точный риск не известен.This gadget is made in China.Этот прибор сделан в Китае.We have lost the way back.Мы потеряли путь назад.Kate has recently bought a new pair of shoes.Катя недавно купила пару новых туфель.Have you thought about the consequences?А ты подумал о последствиях?Has he chosen the right path?Выбрал ли он верный путь?They have eaten all the food they had.Они съели всю еду, что имели.I have always dreamt of having a brother.Я всегда мечтала о братике.They haven't done their homework, yet.Они еще не сделали домашнюю работу.We have just heard a strange noise.Мы только что слышали странный шум.I'm sure, I've heard this song before.Я уверена, что слышала эту песню раньше.The lesson has already begun.Урок уже начался.She said, she knew my parents.Она сказала, что знала моих родителей ночью я спала гораздо лучше, чем до этого.
4,4(7 оценок)
My name is Anna. I’m 13 years old and I’m a high school student. I have many good friends and we like getting together on different occasions. Sometimes we go for a walk in the downtown, sometimes we go shopping together, and sometimes we simply meet at the school yard to chat. One of our recent reasons for meeting have become a new game. It’s a game of mafia. It has now become my favourite game. I think my friends would support me in that. They also seem to like it. I have always thought that games are for children only. However, mafia proved the opposite. This game is played mostly by teens and adults. We usually meet at the pizza place or at local McDonalds to play mafia. The rules of the game are simple. The presenter hands out special role cards to all players. The participants don’t show their cards to anyone and keep their roles in secret. Some cards present mafia members and some – innocent people. There are also special cards for the detective, doctor and policeman. Different groups play it differently. Some may have a bartender in their team or a lawyer. Everything depends on players and on how they want to play the game. So, the game also has two phases: night and day. The presenter is the person who doesn’t play just speaks. When he says it’s night time, everybody goes to sleep. When he says it’s day time, everybody should wake up. Mafia members should “kill” someone during the night while everyone is sleeping. They do it simply by pointing at one innocent person. When everyone is awake, the presenter announces who was killed and the team start guessing who the mafia members are. In my opinion, it is an engaging and interesting game, especially when you play with your good friends.
4,6(69 оценок)
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