Напишите сочинение по языку на тему "весна". нужно что-бы в сочинении было написано в какие игры можно играть весной и в какую одежду можно одеваться весной! зарание
Spring is the best time of the year! In spring you can walk through the puddles in rubber boots. You can let the ships streamlets! Wear spring can raincoat, hat, scarf and rubber boots. Весна самое замечательное время года! Весной можно ходить по лужам в резиновых сапогах. Можно пускать кораблики по ручейкам! Одевать весной можно плащ, шапку, шарфик и резиновые сапоги.
1. The article was published last week. 2. Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets. 3. The article will be published nex week. 4. The poem was so beautiful that it was learned by everybody.
2) Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice. 1. The way out of the wood was shown to us by an old man 2. The coffe wasn't brought by waitress 3. Milk is sold in this shop 4. Everything was told to him by his friend. 5. A box of fruit will be send to us by them
3) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active или Passive Voice. 1. They can leave the key with the clerk downstairs. 2. A taxi was called fifteen minutes ago. 3. An interesting information about life in the USA can be found in this book 4. The flowers are watered every week. 5. This work will be done tomorrow.
4) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной временной форме. 1. He turns on the television to watch cartoons every morning. 2. He turned on the television to watch cartoons yesterday morning. 3. He will turn on the television watch cartoons tomorrow morning. 4. I didn't play the piano yesterday. 5. He is writting a letter to my friend now. 6. I was doing my homework at 6 o'clock yesterday. 7. What are you doing at eight o'clock tomorrow? 8. It's the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. 9. When and where have you bought it?
She became the first woman to be awarded this title in the great Patriotic war.About the feat Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya already in 1944, he made the film, the monuments, written poems and named in her honor hundreds of streets.The victory in the great Patriotic war - the feat and the glory of our nation. Zoya A. Kosmodemyanskaya ("Tanya") - Hero Of The Soviet Union. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was born September 8, 1923 in the village in Tambov region. In school she was very ill , but was a good student and was very fair . 31 October 1941 Zoe voluntarily became a fighter.The training was very short - 4 November Zoe threw in city Volokolamsk. She successfully overcame all the difficulties.November 18, 1941 part of Zoe received a combat mission - destroy 10 settlements. In part one of the groups went on the job and Zoya.At the village Golovko group Zoe came under fire and collapsed.She alone burned homes. Zoe was taken prisoner , over her terribly tortured by the Germans, but she was brave.29 November 1941, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was hanged . 27 January 1942 about feat Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya was the first article in the press.