Fill in the missing words. bigger faster taller longer heavier 1) this dinosaur's than a plane. 2) this dinosaur's than ten elephants. 3) this dinosaur's than a bike. 4) this dinosaur's than two buses. 5) this dinosaur's than a house.
1) This dinosaur's faster than a plane. 2) This dinosaur's heavier than ten elephants. 3) This dinosaur's longer than a bike. 4) This dinosaur's bigger than two buses. 5) This dinosaur's taller than a house.
1)Пару загадок:Не умели мы писать, Но волшебная тетрадь Научила буквам нас, Стал теперь умней наш класс! Мы крючки и зонтики Стали рисовать. Ты попробуй отгадать, Что же это за тетрадь? (Пропись)
2)Все рисунки вмиг сотрет, Если в ход она пойдет. (Стирательная резинка)
3)Пляшут Ира и Кирилл, Пляшут Таня, Даниил. Это просто танцы века! — В нашем классе... (дискотека)
4)В этом заведении Все перебывали. Двоечники, гении Отметки получали. Учились здесь артисты, Певцы, артиллеристы. Сюда хожу и я, И вы, мои друзья. (Школа)
5)Таблицу умножения Учил я две недели. Скажу я без сомнения — Важнее нету дела! Ее запомнил на года! Хоть сколько будет лет, Я на любой пример всегда Дам правильный... (ответ)
6)Мы идем в медкабинет. Все боятся, а я — нет. Лица у ребят, как сливки, — Побледнели от... (прививки)
7)Для младших классов лишь одно Оно — начальное... (звено)
1) Galina Ulanova was a great ballet dancer of the 20th century whose performances were a great success on many stages of the world. 2) Ivan Bunin was a great poet and novelist, who was the first Russian Nobel Prize winner in literature. 3) Zhores Alferov is an outstanding physicist who received the Nobel Prize for physics in 2000. 4) Aleksey Nemov is a famous gymnast whose gymmnastics achievements brought many gold, silver and bronze medals as well as many fans. 5) Aleksander Solzhenitsyn is a writer and historian who is known for the series of novels about Russian such as August 1914, the red wheel and others. 6) Vladimir Dal was a writer and a disctionary writer who complited the famous Explanatory Disctionary of the living russian language and some collections of proverbs and fairy tales. 7) Kazimir Malevich was a painter whose black square made him famous throughout the world. 8) Aleksey Leonov travelled into space in 1965 when he made the first space walk in history then.
2) This dinosaur's heavier than ten elephants.
3) This dinosaur's longer than a bike.
4) This dinosaur's bigger than two buses.
5) This dinosaur's taller than a house.