1 one [wAn]
2 two [tH]
3 three [TrJ]
4 four [fL]
5 five [faIv]
6 six [sIks]
7 seven [sevn]
8 eight [eIt]
9 nine [naIn]
10 ten [ten]
11 eleven [I'levn]
12 twelve [twelv]
13 thirteen ['TW'tJn]
14 fourteen ['fL'tJn]
15 fifteen ['fIf'tJn]
16 sixteen ['sIks'tJn]
17 seventeen ['sevn'tJn]
18 eighteen ['eI'tJn]
19 nineteen ['naIn'tJn]
20 twenty ['twentI]
21 twenty-one ['twentI'wAn]
22 twenty-two
23 twenty-three
24 twenty-four
25 twenty-five
30 thirty ['TWtI]
31 thirty-one
32 thirty-twщ
40 forty ['fLtI]
50 fifty ['fIftI]
60 sixty ['sIkstI]
70 seventy ['sevntI]
80 eighty ['eItI]
90 ninety ['naIntI]
100 a (one) hundred ['hAndrqd]
101 a (one) hundred and one
116 a (one) hundred and sixteen
125 a(one)hundred and twenty-five
200 two hundred
500 five hundred
1,000 a (one) thousand ['Tauzqnd]
1,001 a (one) thousand and one
1,256 a (one) thousand two hundred andfifty-six
2,000 two thousand
25,000 twenty-five thousand
100,000 a (one) hundred thousand
1,000,000 a (one) million ['mIljqn]
1,000,000,000 a (one) milliard в Англии; a(one) billion в США
This is an elephant.
These are my desks.
Those are my toys.
This is his computer.
That is an aeroplane.
This is their playroom.
It's very nice!
It looks like a cat.
Look at her tea set!
They're Betsy's toys.
It's her tea set.
Whose is this?
It's Mum's.
My desk is brown.
Look like at TV.