Traffic rules in Russia Driving is on the right side of the road The minimum age to drive a car is 18 Wearing of seat belts is mandatory in both front and back seats Speaking on a mobile phone while driving (without a handsfree device) is a serious offence Crossing a solid double white line is forbidden Turning right at a red light is not allowed when there is no special green arrow traffic light It is illegal for children under the age of 12 to travel in the front seat Picking up hitchhikers is illegal Dipped headlights must be used during the day A minimum of third-party insurance is compulsory
Speed limits are shown in kilometres per hour (Km/h). Inside built-up areas, the speed limit is 60 Km/h, 90 Km/h outside these zones, and 100 Km/h on highways. These apply to all types of roads.
The traffic police have the authority to issue fines on the spot as well as to suspend the driving licence of the offending driver or even to make an arrest in the case of drunk driving and to detain the vehicle.
Future Simple - это Будущее простое время, обозначает, что действие будет происходить в будущем, имеет слова-спутники: in few days (через несольо дней) tomorrow (завтра), next week (на следующей неделе), in 2015 (в 2015 году), soon (скоро). Вс глагол will (shall) и инфинитив смыслового глагола без частицы to. We shall go to Moscow in a week. - Мы поедем в Москву через неделю. При вопросе will (shall) выносится перед подлежащим. Shall we go to Moscow in a week? - Мы поедем в Москву через неделю? При отрицании частицу not ставим после вс глагола will (shall). We shall not (shan't) go to Moscow in a week. - Мы не поедем в Москву через неделю.
Future Simple - Будущее простое - Действие совершится в будущем, имеет указание на будущее время, такие как: tomorrow (завтра), next week (на следующей неделе), in 2071 (в 2071 году). К подлежащему добавляется WILL, В утвердительных предложениях: I/you/he/she/it/we/they WILL play tomorrow. Я/ты/он/она/оно/мы/они будут играть завтра. В отрицательных предложениях: I/you/he/she/it/we/they WILL NOT play tomorrow. Я/ты/он/она/оно/мы/они не будут играть завтра. В вопросительных предложениях WILL I/you/he/she/it/we/they play tomorrow? Буду я/ты/он/она/оно/мы/они играть завтра?
Driving is on the right side of the road
The minimum age to drive a car is 18
Wearing of seat belts is mandatory in both front and back seats
Speaking on a mobile phone while driving (without a handsfree device) is a serious offence
Crossing a solid double white line is forbidden
Turning right at a red light is not allowed when there is no special green arrow traffic light
It is illegal for children under the age of 12 to travel in the front seat
Picking up hitchhikers is illegal
Dipped headlights must be used during the day
A minimum of third-party insurance is compulsory
Speed limits are shown in kilometres per hour (Km/h). Inside built-up areas, the speed limit is 60 Km/h, 90 Km/h outside these zones, and 100 Km/h on highways. These apply to all types of roads.
The traffic police have the authority to issue fines on the spot as well as to suspend the driving licence of the offending driver or even to make an arrest in the case of drunk driving and to detain the vehicle.