-Woman(noun-существительное)! Could(verb-глагол) you(pronoun- местоимение) tell (verb) me (pronoun) where(adverb-наречие) you(pronoun)'ve(verb от have) put(verb) my(pronoun) book(noun)?
-Isn't (is-verb; not-negative particlе- отрицательная частица) it (pronoun) on (preposition – предлог) the (article- определенный артикль) bookshelf (noun).
-No (частица).The (article) bookshelf (noun) is (verb) full (adjective- прилагательное) of (preposition) your (pronoun) cookery (noun) books (noun)
-Then (adverb) you (pronoun) should (verb) look (verb) in (preposition) the (article) bedroom (noun),shouldn't (should – verb; not – negative particle) you (pronoun)?
-I've (I- pronoun; have –verb) looked (verb).You (pronoun) took (verb) that (pronoun) book (noun) and (conjuction- союз) put (verb) it (pronoun) somewhere (adverb), didn't (did –verb; not – negative particle) you (pronoun)?
-The (article) living-room (noun)?
-No (частица), I've (I- pronoun; have – verb) looked (verb). I'm (I- pronoun; am – verb) going (verb) to (preposition) put (verb) all (intensifying particle- уселительная частица) my (pronoun) books (noun) in (preposition) a (article –неопределенный артикль) box (noun) and (conjuction) lock (verb) it (pronoun)!
-Look (verb) Mr. Cook (noun)! It's (it- pronoun; is –verb) on (preposition) the (article) floor (noun) next to (preposition) your (pronoun) foot (noun)
-Ah (interjection –междометие)! Good (adjective)
aisle - a way down from back to front between seats.
circle - an area of downstairs seats.
dressing room - where actors put on their costumes and makeup.
stage - the area on which the performance takes place
box office - the place where you go or phone to buy tickets.
row - .a line of seats
backstage - the whole area out of sight of the audience.
box - a little private balcony with 3-5 seats only.
foyer - the theatre entrance hall where people meet before going in.