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22.10.2022 16:41 •  Английский язык

Перевести! ! кто не ленивый переведите! lucy ran out of the empty room into the passage and found the other three. “it’s all right,” she repeated, “i’ve comeback.” “what on earth are you talking about, lucy? ” asked susan. “why? said lucy in amazement, “haven’t you all been wondering where i was? ” “so you’ve been hiding, have you? ” said peter. “poor old lu, hiding and nobody noticed! you’ll have to hide longer than that if you want people to start looking for you.” “but i’ve been away for hours and hours,” said lucy. the others all stared at one another. “batty! ” said edmund, tapping his head. “quite batty.” “what do you mean, lu? ” asked peter. “what i said,” answered lucy. “it was just after breakfast when i went into the wardrobe, and i’ve been away for hours and hours, and had tea, and all sorts of things have happened.” “don’t be silly, lucy,” said susan. “we’ve only just come out of that room a moment ago, and you were there then.” “she’s not being silly at all,” said peter, “she’s just making up a story for fun, aren’t you, lu? and why shouldn’t she? ” “no, peter, i’m not,” she said. “it’s—it’s a magic wardrobe. there’s a wood inside it, and it’s snowing, and there’s a faun and a witch and it’s called narnia; come and see.” the others did not know what to think, but lucy was so excited that they all went back with her into the room. she rushed ahead of them, flung open the door of the wardrobe and cried, “now! go in and see for yourselves.” “why, you goose,” said susan, putting her head inside and pulling the fur coats apart, “it’s just an ordinary wardrobe; look! there’s the back of it.” then everyone looked in and pulled the coats apart; and they all saw—lucy herself saw—a perfectly ordinary wardrobe. there was no wood and no snow, only the back of the wardrobe, with hooks on it. then everyone looked in and pulled the coats apart; and they all saw—lucy herself saw—a perfectly ordinary wardrobe. there was no wood and no snow, only the back of the wardrobe, with hooks on it. peter went in and rapped his knuckles on it to make sure that it was solid. “a jolly good hoax, lu,” he said as he came out again; “you have really taken us in, i must admit. we half believed you.” “but it wasn’t a hoax at all,” said lucy, “really and truly. it was all different a moment ago. honestly it was. i promise.” “come, lu,” said peter, “that’s going a bit far. you’ve had your joke. hadn’t you better drop it now? ” lucy grew very red in the face and tried to say something, though she hardly knew what she was trying to say, and burst into tears.

Люси выбежала из пустой комнаты в коридор и обнаружил, остальные три . " Все в порядке ", повторила она, " у меня есть возвращение. " " Что на земле вы говорите , Люси? " Спросил Сьюзен. "Почему? сказала Люси в изумлении , " не так ли все было интересно, где я был ? " ​​" Таким образом, вы были скрываться , не так ли? " сказал Питер. " Бедный старый Лу , скрываться и никто заметили ! Вы будете иметь , чтобы скрыть больше , чем если вы хотите, чтобы люди начинают искать для вас. " " Но я был далеко в течение многих часов и часов , " сказала Люси. У остальных уставились друг на друга . " Бэтти ! " Сказал Эдмунд , постукивая головой. " Довольно сумасшедший . " " Что ты имеешь в виду , Лу ? " Спросил Петра . " То, что я сказал:" ответил Люси . "Это было сразу после завтрака , когда я пошел в шкаф , и я был далеко в течение многих часов и часов , и пили чай , и всякие вещи не случилось. " " Не говори глупостей , Люси ", говорит Сьюзан . " Мы только что вышли из этой комнаты минуту назад, и вы были там тогда. " " Она не глупости на всех", сказал Питер , " она просто составляя историю для удовольствия , не так ли , Лу ? И почему не она ? " " Нет, Питер , я не ", сказала она . " Это- это волшебная шкаф . Там в дерево внутри него , и идет снег , и есть Фавн иколдунья и это называется Нарния ; прийти и посмотреть " Остальные не знаю, что думать , но Люси была так взволнована , что все они вернулись с ней в. номер . Она бросилась перед ними , распахнул дверь в гардероб и крикнул: " Сейчас ! . пойти и посмотреть на себя " " Почему , вы гусиный ", говорит Сьюзан , положив голову внутрь и дергает за шубы друг от друга, " это просто обычный шкаф , посмотрите ! есть задняя часть его " Тогда все смотрели в и вытащил пальто друг от друга, . , и все они пилы Люси сама видела - совершенно обычным шкаф . Там не было дерева и снега нет , только задняя часть гардероба , с крючками на нем. Тогда все смотрели в и вытащил пальто друг от друга, и все они себя лесопильный Люси пилы совершенно обычным шкаф . Там не было дерева и снега нет , только задняя часть гардероба , с крючками на нем. Питер вошел и постучал костяшками пальцев по нему, чтобы убедиться, что это было твердо . " Веселый хороший обман , Лу, " сказал он, снова вышел ; "вы действительно приняты нас, я должен признать. Мы половина поверил. " " Но это был не обман на всех ", сказала Люси , " действительно и по-настоящему . Это было все разные минуту назад. Честно это было. Я обещаю . " " Ну, Лу, " сказал Питер , " что происходит немного далеко . У тебя был отжиг . Не лучше ли тебе бросить его сейчас? " Люси росла очень красен и попытался что-то сказать , хотя она вряд ли знал, что она пыталась сказать , и залилась слезами .
4,5(40 оценок)
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1. She wasn't very rich but she gave money to the beggar.
2. I wish I could speak English __as well as__ you do.
3. __Despite__ her injured foot, she managed to walk to the village.
4. Nobody was listening anymore; nevertheless the recital continued.

2. Use the modal verbs must, can/may, can’t.
   1. Zag can go to the cinema with us. He is not very busy.
   2. "May I get you lemonade?” "That's very nice of you.”
   3. The book is not on the shelf. Jean must be reading it now.
   4. I can't visit you every day.

3. Read the dialogue and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F).
   A: Hi, Ben! How were your exams?
   B: Nice of you to ask about them. Everything’s all right, thanks.
   A: Is it? You look worried. Is there anything wrong?
   B: No, everything’s all right, but when we were waiting for the results of the exam, we spoke about our future and our career plans. You know, I was the only one who hadn’t decided yet.
   A: Well, let’s try to find out what kind of job could be suitable for you. I’ve got a special test that might give us the answer. All you need to do is to answer some questions. The first one is: "Would you like to work in an office or be out and about during working hours?”
   B: It depends… But no, I think I would rather work inside. It could be difficult to be outside if the weather is bad. But I want to have the opportunity to be out in good weather, too.
   A: Are good working conditions, job satisfaction and stability important to you?
   B: Yes, I want my job to be exciting but not very stressful. Stability is very important to me, too. But I don’t want to work at the weekends or in summer.
   A: And how about job satisfaction? What does that mean to you?
   B: To me, job satisfaction isn’t just a quick promotion or good money. I want to feel useful.
   A: Would you prefer working with machines or with people?
   B: When I was little, I enjoyed taking things apart to see how they worked. But now communicating with people is much more important to me. I want to work with nice and friendly people.
   A: OK. That’s enough. Let’s have a look at the test results. Well, there is a long list of jobs which meet your requirements. And the job of babysitter is at the top of the list.
   B: Babysitter?! I have never thought about babysitting, but I don’t mind working with children. I’m very good at sports and the job of a coach has a lot of advantages. I’ll definitely try to learn more about it.
1. Ben looks worried because he failed his exams. FALSE
2. Ben decided everything about his career when he was little. FALSE
3. Ben doesn’t care about stability in a job. FALSE
4. Ben discovers that a job as a coach might be suitable for him. TRUE

4. Give English equivalent to the following Russian words.
1. хорошо оплачиваемая работа = well-paid job
2. получить хороший опыт = to gain good work experience
3. расширять кругозор = to widen one's outlook
4. держать слово = to have respect for one's promise
5. творческий = creative
6. уверенный = confident
4,7(70 оценок)

ответ: 1. Keeping a healthy weight lowers your risk of developing certain illnesses in the future.

2. When you work out, play a sport of even just go for walk, the muscles and bones in your body become stronger.

3. Heart is a muscle too, physical activity can keep it strong and healthy.

4. When you take part in a low-intensity activity, you do not sweat and your breathing is not affected greatly. Moderate-intensity activities should make you sweat and your heart beat faster. You cannot sing , but you can continue talking.

5. You start to sweat sooner and cannot talk without getting out of breath.


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