1/2 - one half; 3 5/6 - three and five-sixths; 4/9 - four-nineths; 2 1/3 - two and one-treeth; 4.8 - four point eight; 1.05 - one point zero five; 52.718 - fifty two point seven hundred and eighteen; 0.05 - point zero five; 6 2/3 - six and two-threeths; 3/4 сек - three-fourths seconds; 2 3/4 - тонны - two and three-fourths tons; 1 1/2 кг - one and one-half of killograms; 1/2 фунта - one-half of lb; 9 1/3 мили - nine and one-threeth of miles; 3 1/2 метра - three and one-half of meters. Надеюсь чем-то
In the spring , the vice versa path to Moscow, We sluchayno proezzhaly past nebolshoho towns. Online áûë Rather bolshuyu a mortgage on wood, something to the garden is home to Nam utopaly in Color , and so on pokazalsya us krasyvыm , that not sMorly We will stand against soblazna ostanovytsya there. I nykohda áû have thought , that the small provyntsyalnomu Walk Gorodok Can deliver takoe naslazhdenye . We walked through a neighborhood garden Trejo hours and something Bolsheviks We smotrely to CEI skazochnыy Corner , themes Bolsheviks We voshyschalys im. Before we áûë genuine ancient town, polnыy a charm , How vstretysh not in our area . But we had ostavalos of time , and we pryshlos Hurry Moscow.