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Сочинение на тему "the person who inspires me"


Тут много чего можно написать. Давайте возьмем,к примеру, Мадонну - будто бы она Вас вдохновляет, а то я же не знаю,кто Вас вдохновляет!


Madonna is a huge star. She is an idol for me. Not just because she is worldwide famous,but because she is truly talented and she is also so inspiring. She inspires me to believe in myself and always stand for what I want. Madonna is the person who inspires me, she is so independent and so confident herself, thats what i aspire to be alike. She never cared and still never does care what people might think of her clothes or her hair, her music videos, her songs, her shows and her personality itself. Thats what i want to develop in myself, because nowadays its really difficult to stay away from people's opinions and not to pay any attention. So, Madonna just perfectly shows her ability to move on and not to get stuck between all the hatred she gets. She is a true inspiration to millions! Thats what no one would ever take from her. Madonna is the QUEEN of POP. Thats true, and actually thats not what i want to be, but she inspires me to become someone who I really want to be. That matters.

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The family, warm and joyful holiday is the New year. Everyone is waiting for the new year magic. Many believe that the new year night fulfills all desires. Especially looking forward to this holiday children, because they Ded Moroz brings a lot of interesting items. People send Christmas cards to their relatives and friends, and make each other surprises.

The whole city is preparing for this magic holiday. Winter streets are decorated with colourful garlands and flags. Everywhere hear the tinkling of bells. In the houses decorate the Christmas trees, which together with father frost and snow Maiden are the main characters of the New year. Bound threads of beads in the festive tinsel and shining balls, they decorate every family. On top necessarily burn bright asterisks.

Kids diligently write to Santa Claus their requests on the gifts would like to get. They believe that the Grandfather frost and his granddaughter snow maiden come from the forest on a sleigh pulled by Troika fastest horses. Everybody enthusiastically preparing for the long-awaited holiday. Guys make yourself costumes of various fairy tale characters, and the beasts of the forest. Kids tell Santa Claus and snow maiden poems, sing songs, folk dances of decorated Christmas beauties tree, get a well-deserved gifts from Santa Claus.

Celebration of New year does not end here, but continues in the family circle. 31 December whole family gathers together at a celebratory table. Another plus of the New year is that it is the most delicious feast with different dishes. All people look forward midnight, when the chime of bells real fun begins. In these minutes, with bated breath, all make their wishes. It is very important to believe that they will certainly come true.

All begin to congratulate each other, wish health, happiness and success. After all the New year is a fabulous holiday. He gives all of us faith in something new, bright and interesting. All of the bad old and unnecessary, remains in the past year. Early in the morning every child finds under the Christmas tree welcome gift and regrets that again accidentally overslept visit Grandfather Frost.
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My New Year

New Year I celebrate on the first of January. Every time I prepare for New Year. It`s pretty awful. I decorate New Year`s spruce with beautiful toys. Toys were makes our hands are especially beautiful.

My younger for other cut many paper snowflakes and we hand them in our flat together. I make or buy different presents for my friends and family and relatives. I`m fond of to be given presents.

Especially, I enjoy many sweets. Also I like to make holiday dishes. I can`t cook very well, but I always help my mum to cook a holiday dishes, that`s why I know how to cook certain thing`s. I can make "Herring under fur" and another salad called "The cheese paradise" and some other salads, for example. For this holiday we usually do several salads and sometimes we have a roasted chicken, too. Once more, I when my mother does my favourite cake "Miracle".

At 11:30 we seat at the table and talk. At the midnight we listen to the rings of the clock and to the congratulatory speech of the president. Then we drink the champagne and eat delicious dishes. Further we exchange presents which we make for each other. On the eve of morning we go to bed. New Year is the most magic holiday that`s why I like it.

Новый год мы празднуем 1-го января. Каждый раз я готовлюсь к Новому году. Это довольно беспокойно. Я украшаю новогоднюю елку красивыми игрушками. Игрушки, сделанные своими руками, особенно красивы. Мой младший брат вырезает много бумажных снежинок, и мы вместе вешаем их по всей квартире. Я делаю разные подарки для моей семьи, друзей и родственников. Я очень люблю, когда мне дарят подарки. Особенно, я люблю, когда у меня много конфет.

Также я люблю делать праздничные блюда. Я не очень хорошо готовлю, но я всегда маме готовить праздничный обед, поэтому я знаю, как готовятся некоторые блюда. Например, я умею готовить салаты" Селедка под шубой", "Сырный рай" и "Оливье" и несколько других салатов. В Новый год у нас обычно несколько салатов и иногда у нас бывает жареная курица. Еще я люблю, когда моя мама делает мой любимый торт "Чудо".

В 11:30 часов вечера мы садимся за стол и разговариваем. В полночь слушаем бой курантов и поздравления президента. Затем мы пьем шампанское и едим вкусности. После мы обмениваемся подарками, приготовленными друг для друга. Под утро мы ложимся спать. Новый год - самый волшебный праздник, поэтому я его люблю!
4,8(35 оценок)
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