1. The Customs officer told him to open his suitcase for inspection.
2. The teavher asked me wether my father worked at the Customs.
3. Granny asked Marry wether she had gone shoppingthe day before.
4. The teacher said I hadn't done work well.
5. My classmate said he couldn't explain that rule to me.
6. They asked at what time the train starts.
7. She asked me what I would I do next day.
8. I asked my uncle how long he had stayed in Moscow.
9. He wondered where I had bought that hat.
10. He asked her where she usually spent her summer holidays.
11. The doctor said to Nick to wash his hands as often as he can.
12. A Customs officer said to present him my documents.
13. She said to eat lots of frits, veggies and grain.
The passenger said...
1) all his baggage from flight number 790 had aleady arrived, but his luggage wasn't there.
2) his luggage has been damaged during unloading.
3) his suitcase was damaged.
4) the suitcase had opened and the things had fallen out.
5) the baggage check had been torn off his suitcase.
Итальянский мыслитель, философ, писатель, политический деятель, автор военно-теоретических трудов. Макиавелли занимал в правительстве Флоренции несколько должностей, самая значимая из которых - секретарь второй канцелярии, отвечавшей за дипломатические связи республики. Ключевым произведением Макиавелли считают «Государь», хоть это и не так. Его политические взгляды куда лучше отражают «История Флоренции» и «Рассуждения о первой декаде Тита Ливия», характеризующие его как сторонника республиканских идей, а не «сильной руки государя».
Italian thinker, philosopher, writer, political figure, author of military-theoretical works. Machiavelli held several positions in the government of Florence, the most important of which was Secretary of the second Chancery, responsible for the Republic's diplomatic relations. The key work of Machiavelli is considered "the Sovereign", although this is not so. His political views are much better reflected in the "History of Florence" and "Discourses on the first decade of Titus Livius", which characterize him as a supporter of Republican ideas, rather than "the strong hand of the sovereign".
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