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Спереводом, нужен нормальный, разговорный, ! 1. teenagers today have a lot more to worry about than their parents ever did. the world is becoming a very scary place. violence, teen pregnancy, and aids cases are increasing. more and more teens are turning to drugs and alcohol. i'm sure that almost every teenager will at one time or another have an experience with drugs, alcohol or sex. these things combined with personal problems and mates' influence make being a teenager very difficult. i don't have a single friend who has never had a drink of alcohol. some of them don't drink at all now, but some do. it seems to me that adults are generally quite indifferent to what their children do. once you reach the age of sixteen or seventeen, your parents think you are old enough to decide for yourself and let you do what you want. 2. it's true that there are so many problems facing teens today. i go to an all-girls private school which makes my school life easier. i focus more attention on doing my work than on impressing a cute guy. but when i go out on weekends there is a lot of pressure to drink and smoke. there are no teen clubs close to where i live so weekend activities are limited. my friends and i don't do anything exciting, but we usually have fun just being around each other. we usually talk v about humorous things. on the other hand, we also talk about serious things like abortion, sex, and politics. my friends and i try to help each other if we can, because a lot of the time, being a teenager isn't fun. it's a chore (duty). you have to go to school and your parents want you to get good grades, which are hard enough in itself, and you have to deal with your own problems too. 3. where i live teenagers have few dangers, but even in my town kids can get alcohol easily. i personally do not drink alcohol. i don't think drinking is exciting. but i know some guys who do. my view is that if they want to, then they can-it's their life, they are free to decide and nobody can forbid them to do what they want. the people i hang about with don't really put any pressure on me or anyone else. dating is not a big deal .we usually go out with a bunch of friends, both girls and boys. social events such as discos and parties are a very popular conversation topic among teenagers. at school, politics are discussed quite a lot but along with this there are conversations about boyfriends, girlfriends, and plans for the weekend ahead. i feel also that the majority of boys are football-mad and the girls are very conscious of their appearance and clothes. being a teenager is great fun. take it easy.

1. Сегодня у подростков больше причин для беспокойств чем у их родителей когда-либо. Мир становится очень опасным местом. Жестокость,подростковая беременность и случаи заболеванием СПИДа только возрастают. Всё больше и больше подростков пристращаются к наркотикам и алкоголю. Я уверен,что почти каждый подросток в своё время имел опыт употребления наркотиков,алкоголя или занятия с.ексом. Всё это,плюсуясь к личным проблемам и влиянию товарищей,делает жизнь подростка очень трудной. У меня нет ни одного друга,который хоть раз не употреблял бы алкоголь. Кто-то пьёт сейчас,а кто-то и нет. Мне кажется,что взрослым совершенно всё равно,чем заняты их дети. Если ты уж достиг 16 или 17 лет,твои родители думают,что ты достаточно взрослый,чтобы принимать решения насчёт самого себя и делать то,что хочешь. 

2. Правда в том,что подростки в наши дни сталкиваются с большим объёмом проблем. Я хожу в женскую частную школу,моя школьная жизнь оттого немного проще. Я уделяю больше времени домашке,чем милым парням. Но когда у меня выходные,то у меня много причин,чтоб выпить и покурить. Рядом со мной нет никаких подростковых клубов,потому на выходных делать особо нечего. Я и мои друзья ничего особо такого не делаем,но обычно весело проводим время,просто находясь в своей компании. Обычно мы болтаем о каких-нибудь весёлых вещах. Но иногда говорим и о серьёзном: об абортах,с.ексе,политике. Я с друзьями стараемся друг дугу,ведь быть подростком -- нелёгкое дело. Это тяжёлая работа. Ты должен ходить в школу,твои родители хотят,чтобы ты получал хорошие оценки,что само по себе трудно,да ещё и с собственными проблемами надо справляться.

3. Там,где я живу,у подростков мало опасностей,но даже в моём городе алкоголь детям купить легко. Лично я не пью. И не считаю это чем-то таким. Но знаю парней,которые считают. Я думаю,что если они хотят,то могут -- это их жизнь,они решают,что делать и никто не в праве запретить им это.
На самом деле люди,о которых я сейчас говорю,ни на меня,ни на кого-либо ещё никак не влияют.
И встречаться -- не проблема. Мы регулярно гуляем с группой друзей,в которой и парни,и девушки.
Социальные мероприятия,такие как дискотеки и вечеринки -- очень популярная тема для разговоров среди подростков. В школе часто обсуждается политика,но и вместе с тем бойфренды,подруги и планы на выходные. Я знаю,что мальчики без ума от футбола,а девочки трясутся за свою внешность и одежду. Быть подростком очень весело. Воспринимайте всё проще. 
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Environmental Protection

Some hundreds of years ago people lived in harmony with nature, because industry was not much developed. Today, however, the contradictions between man and nature are dramatic.

The twenty first century is a century of the scientific and technological progress. The achievements of the mankind in mechanization and automation of industrial processes, in chemical industry and conquering outer space, in the creation of atomic power stations and ships are amazing. But at the same time, this progress gave birth to a very serious problem – the problem of environment.

Ecology and the contamination of environment, is concerned with climate, over-population in certain areas, deaths of plant and animals, chemical contamination of seas, lakes and rivers as well as atomic experiments and dumping of atomic waste from power stations. Floods, unexpected draughts, and the greenhouse effect are the next reasons.

There are many consequences of damaging the environment. One of them is acid rain. Another one is water shortage resulting from abuse of arable lands in agriculture. The third one is destroying the ozone layer of the Earth through pollution from factories and plants. The fourth problem is damage o water and soils.

The fifth one is damage to wildlife: numerous species of animals and plants can disappear. At last, the most serious danger arising from damaging the environment is the result of the abovementioned consequences. This is the danger for the life and health of the man.

The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a political programme in every country. Numerous anti-pollution acts passed in different countries led to considerable improvements in environment. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters.

But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. Their solution requires the co-operation of all nations. If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully and protect it from damage caused by man’s activities, very soon we’ll have no world to live in.

Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the environment, on individual, organizational or governmental level, for the benefit of the natural environment and (or) humans. Due to the pressures of population and our technology the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently.

This has been recognized and governments began placing restraints on activities that caused environmental degradation. Since the 1960s activism by the environmental movement has created awareness of the various environmental issues. There is not a full agreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity and protection measures are occasionally criticized.

Academic institutions now offer courses such as environmental studies, environmental management and environmental engineering that study the history and methods of environmental protection. Protection of the environment is needed from various human activities. Waste, pollution, loss of biodiversity, and the introduction of invasive species are some of the issues relating to environmental protection.
4,5(99 оценок)
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