Нужен перевод a) tom, frog, bob, not, box, clock, long, fox, has got, with; b) the cat, the box, the pig, the frog, the hat, the stick, the dog, the clock.
Roe deer is a cloven-hoofed animal. She lives in the woods. Eats large quantities of grasses, shoots of shrubs and trees. ROE deer is a small graceful deer with a short trunk, which rear portion is thicker and higher than the front. Forelegs shorter than hind. In winter, the trunk of the animal is grey or greyish-brown, sometimes grayish-red. Colouring in the back of the back goes to brown. The bottom color of the body fades to yellowish-cream. The tail is small , light-reddish or white. Limbs down gradually rigaut.Little kasuli very curious and still do not do not understand, unlike adults. Little will cosulet spotty coloration, so they are well camouflaged among the summer vegetation and foliage. At the age of 2-3 months, the cubs color darkens, becomes brownish-red. Spotting as regrowth of red fur turns pale and fades.
The doctor kirilova dying of diphtheria only son. the same evening it comes to his neighbour, ubogin, and begs to save the woman suddenly suffered a heart attack. the doctor is not able to go to patient, he by all means refuses. but ubogin, after much persuasion, still carries the doctor to himself. there, it appears that no heart attack was not his wife played a disease that no interference to run away from home with her lover. ubogin struck by grief and resentment, he appealed for support and sympathy to present to the doctor. the doctor, in turn, deeply offended disdain for his own grief. flares up the quarrel. neighbours parted sworn enemies.
б) кот, коробка, свинья, лягушка, шляпа, трость, собака, часы.