Originally thought to be the only person without ability in the Umbrella Academy orphanage, Vanya Hargreaves, also known as Number Seven and White Violin, proved to be the most dangerous and powerful of their siblings.
However, Netflix series did not always make it clear what Vanya's abilities are and exactly how they work. Towards the end of Season 1 of Umbrella Academy, it was revealed that since Vanya's powers were tied to her emotional state, Reginald Hargreaves tried and failed to control Vanya's powers. Rather than risk losing control of Number Seven, he decided instead to keep Vanya on strong medication and make her listen to Allison and believe she was ordinary.
In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
Hi class! These are your new classmates. Their names are Christina and Joe. Christina loves creating interesting papier mache masks and painting them. She sometimes slowly does an exercise because of the fact that she is immersed in her thoughts. Joe has a good sense of humor and loves neat costumes.
They went to our school because of the work of their parents.
Father Joe works as an interior designer and will soon decorate our class room. Mother Christina works in the museum and we can also see the statues and exhibits there.
Привет класс! Это твои новые одноклассники. Их зовут Кристина и Джо. Кристина любит создавать интересные маски из папье-маше и рисовать их. Иногда она медленно делает упражнение из-за того, что она погружена в свои мысли. Джо имеет хорошее чувство юмора и любит аккуратные костюмы.
Они пошли в нашу школу из-за работы своих родителей.
Отец Джо работает дизайнером интерьеров и скоро украсит нашу классную комнату. Мать Кристина работает в музее, и мы также можем увидеть статуи и экспонаты там.