Pharmacy a pharmacy is establishment, carrying out storage, preparation and vacation(sale) of medicinal facilities, bandaging materials, articles of sanitation, hygiene and care of patients, facilities of disinfection and other of commodities honey. setting. the sale of medications is produced on recipes or without recipes in accordance with the special lists of medications. in grew. federations distinguish а. municipal and rural, hospital(in composition hospitals), interhospital(for providing of a few hospitals), homoeopathic and department(soldiery and other); budgetary and self-supporting. depending on the volume of work distinguish a few categories of а., in accordance with that set their states, sizes of areas and necessary equipment. in а. present trading floor or compounding and productions, apartment - assistant, aseptic(for making of injection solutions and eye drops), deep blue, sterilization, washing, расфасовочная, material rooms(for storage of medications and other of commodities),
Family - it's the best thing a person. no amount of money or career does not give us something that can give a family is tenderness, love, reliability, poderzhka. friends of course also important but it is certainly in the first place must be a family. because not everyone can wear the proud title of "other" . перевод - семья - это самое лучшее что есть у человека . никакие деньги или карьера не дадут нам то что может дать семья это нежность, любовь, надежность, подержка . друзья конечно тоже важен но всётаки на первом месте должна стоять семья . потому что не все могут носить гордое звание "друг" .
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