книга про Гарри Поттера
Читая «Гарри Поттера», я понял, что друг будет с тобой даже когда нет шансов на победу.Сцена, где Рон руководит шахматной игрой, потрясла меня. Уизли рисковал жизнью. Гермиона сначала показалась мне зазнайкой.Я бы хотел найти друзей, как у Гарри.
book about Harry Potter
Reading Harry Potter, I realized that a friend would be with you even when there was no chance of winning. The scene where Ron leads the chess game shocked me. Weasley risked his life. Hermione at first seemed to me insignificant. I would like to find friends like Harry.
книга про Гарри Поттера
Читая «Гарри Поттера», я понял, что друг будет с тобой даже когда нет шансов на победу.Сцена, где Рон руководит шахматной игрой, потрясла меня. Уизли рисковал жизнью. Гермиона сначала показалась мне зазнайкой.Я бы хотел найти друзей, как у Гарри.
book about Harry Potter
Reading Harry Potter, I realized that a friend would be with you even when there was no chance of winning. The scene where Ron leads the chess game shocked me. Weasley risked his life. Hermione at first seemed to me insignificant. I would like to find friends like Harry.
Choose the proper item.
1. I’d like to know the opinion about this item of news.
2) editor-in-chief’s
2. It’s his new car.
3) sports
3. Jane took bag instead of his own.
1) somebody’s else
4. luggage was not well attended to.
2) Passengers’
5. The students borrowed notes.
1) each other’s
6. It’s amazing what a hotel can do to revive your spirits.
2) five-star
7. A woman stepped out from and waved to us.
3) the hairdresser’s
8. How many of ___ novels have you read?
2) Dickens’
9. He was on his walk to Berkley.
3) two miles’
10. My parents have decided to move to the country.
2) sister-in-law’s