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Нужно поставить слова в нужную форму 3 tom felt uneasy. all his classmates were talking about their hobbies but he didn’t have any. he decided to take up a hobby too but he not/know)what to choose. 4 then he had an idea: “i’ll see what my friends do as hobbies and will choose the (interesting) hobby of all.” he took his father’s camera and headed to kate’s house. 5 kate was glad to see ) 6 “come in,” she said. “i (make) an apple pie right now. wait for half an hour, and you can try it.” “no, i can’t wait,” tom said. “i need to find myself a hobby.” he took a photo of kate with white flour on her hands and hair and hurried to jack’s house. 7 jack was busy constructing an aeroplane. “look, this plane is made of paper, but it looks like a real one, doesn’t it? ” jack ) really proud of his work. tom nodded and his camera flashed

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Seals are very well adapted for accommodation in the cold seas. All their body, including, flippers and a short tail, is covered with the rough dense hair protecting an animal from ice water, snow, ice and the penetrating wind. Under skin all seals have quite thick grease layer.Seals near sea coast of moderate areas of the Northern hemisphere live. They never swim away far from coast and, sometimes, settle in the large rivers and fresh lakes. The area of their distribution lasts along coasts of Atlantic to border of polar ices and along the American and Far East coasts of the Pacific Ocean.These are, rather, small animals. With a length of a body of a male approximately in 1,5 m weight reaches 50 kg and changes within 50-150 kg seasonally. Female of approximately same sizes. Near the Pacific Ocean especially large race of seals lives. The head of them roundish, with a short neck, the muzzle which as if is a little chopped off eyes big, a trunk thickset. Color of coloring considerably varies from yellowish-gray with dark-brown spots to almost black with white spots of the wrong form. Teeth large, and canines are well developed. Nipples at females only one couple. On a face of a vibrissa with wavy edges.

Тюлени очень хорошо при к проживанию в холодных морях. Все их тело, в том числе, ласты и короткий хвост, покрыто грубым густым волосом, защищающим животное от ледяной воды, снега, льда и пронизывающего ветра. Под кожей у всех тюленей находится довольно толстый слой жира.Обитают тюлени вблизи морских берегов умеренных районов Северного полушария. Они никогда не заплывают далеко от берегов и, иногда, поселяются в крупных реках и пресных озерах. Ареал их распространения тянется вдоль побережий Атлантики до границы полярных льдов и вдоль Американского и Дальневосточного побережий Тихого океана.Это, сравнительно, мелкие животные. При длине тела самца примерно в 1,5 м. масса достигает 50 кг и изменяется в пределах 50-150 кг в зависимости от времени года. Самка примерно таких же размеров. В районе Тихого океана проживает особенно крупная раса тюленей. Голова у них округлая, с короткой шеей, морда как бы немного обрубленная, глаза большие, туловище коренастое. Цвет окраски значительно варьирует от желтовато-серого с темно-бурыми пятнами до почти черного с белыми пятнами неправильной формы. Зубы крупные, а клыки хорошо развиты. Сосков у самок только одна пара. На лице вибриссы с волнистыми краями.
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Russia is the largest country in the world and the ninth most populous country. It covers much of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, and comprises of 83 federal subjects. The country borders with numerous countries, including Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, China, Kazakhstan, Baltic and Scandinavian countries, and some others. Due to its size, the country spans 9 time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments. That’s why there are countless natural wonders there. The capital and the largest city of the country is Moscow. Every year millions of tourists come to see the riches of Russia. The most visited destinations are Moscow, St Petersburg, Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Krasnodar, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and some other prominent cities.One of the top-rated tourist attractions in the country is the Trans-Siberian Railway. It is the part of the longest railway system in the world, which connects Moscow with Vladivostok – a city near Chinese and North Korean borders. This line is also known as the tsars’ route, as it was built by Alexander III and his son Nicholas II. Many visitors of Russia hope to ride by train on Trans-Siberian line. Lake Baikal in Siberia is the top-visited Russian natural wonder. It’s the deepest, oldest and largest fresh water lake in the world. People also call it the Pearl of Siberia. The lake is surrounded by mountain range and is home to numerous resorts. Moscow’s Kremlin is the place where all visitors of Moscow want to go. It is not only home to nation’s government, but also the complex of notable cathedrals and museums. One of the most interesting structures there is the Armoury, where diamond jewelries and treasures of the past are kept. Another tourist attraction in Moscow is magnificent St Basil’s Cathedral. It was built in the middle of the XVI century in the city center and boasts distinctive architecture. The building has no analogs in world architecture with its bonfire shape in full flame touching the sky.Visitors of St Petersburg tend to see the Hermitage Museum, founded by Catherine the Great in the XVIII century. It houses over three million items from every corner of the globe. The museum is presented by six historic buildings. Perhaps, the most renowned of them is the Winter Palace, which used to serve as the residence for Russian emperors.Suzdal is one of Russian jewels. This historic city belongs to the “Golden Ring” of ancient Russian cities. It’s like a living, open-air museum, presenting Russia’s cultural past. The city is full of kremlins, monasteries and cathedrals, built in distinctive old-Russian style. Mount Elbrus is an attractive place for experienced and novice mountain climbers. At 5,642 meters height it has one of the highest summits in the world. Although it was formed from a volcano, there were no eruption recordings. Kizhi islandin Karelia is also known as an open-air museum. This region borders with Finland and the White Sea. Local people have lived here for many centuries accepting cultures of the East and the West. The main attraction there is the 120-feet high church with 22 domes – the Church of the Transfiguration of our Savior. Other than that, the sight has dozens of wooden houses, chapels and windmills.
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