1. Nick and Kate are playing in the children’s room, aren’t they? Разделительный
Are Nick and Kate playing in the children’s room? Общий
Who is playing in the children’s room? Вопрос к подлежащему
Where are Nick and Kate playing ? Специальный
Are Nick and Kate playing or singing in the children’s room? Альтернативный
2. He was walking with his dog at that time, wasn’t he? Разделительный
Was he walking with his dog at that time? Общий
Who was walking with his dog at that time? Вопрос к подлежащему
Was he or she walking with his dog at that time? Альтернативный
When was he walking with his dog ? Специальный
His flat is in a new house. There are three rooms in the flat. The living-room is the largest of all. It is a nice light room. There are pictures on the walls. There is a round table in the middle of the room. There is a sofa at the wall with large thick carpet in front of it. A study and a bedroom are small, but very comfortable.