Language a some of the following lines contain errors. find and correct them. if a sentence is correct, put a tick in the space next to that line. 21 they can’t afford lowering prices. 22 her job involves deal with clients. 23 i refuse believe you. 24 i heard about the changes last week. 25 we stopped the car to check the tyres. 26 if i would know the firm better, i would offer them credit terms. 27 since 1999 we’ve kept away from chemical products. 28 if you reduce the price by five percent, i might to buy at least five thousand units. 29 the new ceo decided outsource some of the company’s functions. 30 would it help you if i would lend you some money?
In what case does he grant us a 3% discount?
2) You should not have called
What should you have done?
3) He did not know what
Who knew what was wrong with the machine?
4) The manager will not (won`t) be able not to receive
What will the manager be able to do for Mr.A only in the afternoon?
5) I did not have to sign this agreement only on Monday.
What did I have to sign on Monday?
6) They don`t have to transport their products by rail.
7) Participation in fairs doesn`t help to promote our goods.
What does participation in fairs help to do?